Mohammed Khan

Manager, Production at Peninsula Electronics

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(***) ***-****

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About Mohammed Khan

Mohammed Khan is a Manager, Production at Peninsula Electronics based in Hoodi, Karnataka.Explore more

Mohammed Khan Current Workplace

Peninsula Electronics

2025-present (1 month)

Peninsula Electronics was established in 1993, by V. Veeraraghavan, V.K Harindran, and Vinay L Deshpande, technocrats of repute. The company is engaged in contract manufacturing and engineering of electronic assemblies, specializing in highly complex boards and products. The company is managed by a management team, each one of them having about three decades of industry experience. Peninsula Electronics offers a range of EMS services namely, Production of SMT/TH/Mixed technology Boards including micro BGAs, Enclosures, Box Build, Engineering design support, PCB design services of schematics and cadding, Materials Procurement and Testing including Environmental testing. Peninsula Electronics has both EOU (Export Oriented Unit) and DTA (Domestic Tariff Area) units. Both the units are located in NGEF ancillary industrial estate, Graphite India road.

Org Chart - Peninsula Electronics


Manager, Production




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Mohammed Khan

What company does Mohammed Khan work for?
Mohammed Khan works for Peninsula Electronics as Manager, Production
What is Mohammed Khan’s role in Peninsula Electronics?
Mohammed Khan’s role in Peninsula Electronics is Manager, Production
What is Mohammed Khan’s direct phone number?
Mohammed Khan’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Mohammed Khan’s work phone number?
Mohammed Khan’s headquarters phone number is (907) 479-7422
Which industry does Mohammed Khan work in?
Mohammed Khan works in the industry of Electronics, Manufacturing.
Who are Mohammed Khan’s peers at other companies?
Mohammed Khan’s peers at other companies are James Semon, Jean Osorio, Jerry Ouyang, Eduardo Escobar, Janet Kennedy.
Who are Mohammed Khan’s colleagues?
Some of Mohammed Khan’s colleagues are Vinoth Balasubramanian, Negi Rakesh, Vivek Kanna, Keny Mathew.
Who is Mohammed Khan?

Mohammed Khan is a Manager, Production at Peninsula Electronics based in Hoodi, Karnataka.... Read More

Where is Mohammed Khan based?
Mohammed Khan works for Peninsula Electronics, located at India
See more information about Mohammed Khan

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