
Mladen Vuckovic

Capital Real Estate Finance and Valuation Internship at Arc70 Capital

Mladen Vuckovic Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Mladen Vuckovic Current Workplace


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Mladen Vuckovic Work Experience Summary

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Number of job titles


About Mladen Vuckovic

Mladen Vuckovic is a Capital Real Estate Finance and Valuation Internship at Arc70 Capital based in San Mateo, California. Previously, Mladen was a Financial Accountant. Revenue Accountant. at Virgin Voyages and also held positions at Princess Cruise Lines.Explore more

Mladen Vuckovic Current Workplace

Arc70 Capital

2025-present (1 month)

Arc70 Capital is a strategic long-term investor focused on structured real estate investments across the U.S., with over $9B in investment experience. Their approach unlocks intrinsic value while limiting risk, utilizing calculated investment decision-making to generate high tax-efficient cash flow yields on a risk-adjusted basis. Their impact includes creating and preserving affordable housing to support low-income families, seniors, and communities, aligning with United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and International Capital Markets Associations Social Bond Principles.

Mladen Vuckovic Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Financial Chief & Accountant

Virgin Voyages


Financial Accountant. Revenue Accountant.

Virgin Voyages


Manager, Finance Crew & Manager, Guest Services & Manager

Princess Cruise Lines


Supervisor, Front Desk Night & Clearance Auditor & Officer

Princess Cruise Lines


Org Chart - Arc70 Capital


Capital Real Estate Finance and Val...




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Mladen Vuckovic

What company does Mladen Vuckovic work for?
Mladen Vuckovic works for Arc70 Capital as Capital Real Estate Finance and Valuation Internship
What is Mladen Vuckovic’s role in Arc70 Capital?
Mladen Vuckovic’s role in Arc70 Capital is Capital Real Estate Finance and Valuation Internship
What is Mladen Vuckovic’s direct phone number?
Mladen Vuckovic’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Mladen Vuckovic’s work phone number?
Mladen Vuckovic’s headquarters phone number is (650) 235-4777
What is Mladen Vuckovic’s latest job experience?
Mladen Vuckovic’s latest job experience is Financial Chief & Accountant at Virgin Voyages
Which industry does Mladen Vuckovic work in?
Mladen Vuckovic works in the industry of Venture Capital & Private Equity, Finance.
Who are Mladen Vuckovic’s peers at other companies?
Mladen Vuckovic’s peers at other companies are Lizaan Oliver, Ann-Cathrin Engdahl, Marina Fliter, Moses Subramaniam.
Who are Mladen Vuckovic’s colleagues?
Some of Mladen Vuckovic’s colleagues are Lizaan Oliver, Rachel Robinson, Meghan Monhollen, Tess Ristaino.
Who is Mladen Vuckovic?

Mladen Vuckovic is a Capital Real Estate Finance and Valuation Internship at Arc70 Capital based in San Mateo, California. Previously, Mladen was a Financial Accountant. Revenue Accountant. at Virgin Voyages and also held positions at Princess Cruise Lines.... Read More

Where is Mladen Vuckovic based?
Mladen Vuckovic works for Arc70 Capital, located at United States
See more information about Mladen Vuckovic

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