Miriam McKinney

Co-Owner at Wonderland Studios

Miriam McKinney Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

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Miriam McKinney Work Experience Summary

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Last Update 1/19/2025 8:42 AM

About Miriam McKinney

Miriam McKinney is the Co-Owner at Wonderland Studios, based in Austin, United States. Prior to her current role, she worked as a Radio DJ with Wrek. Miriam holds a Master's degree from Georgia Tech.Explore more

Miriam McKinney Current Workplace

Wonderland Studios

2010-present (15 years)

Wonderland Studios is a private recording facility located in "The Live Music Capital of the World", Austin, Texas. Since 1999, we've offered analog and digital recording services, great rates and a cool comfortable relaxed vibe. Our team includes experienced audio engineers/producers as well as multi-instrumentalists available for your project. We've worked with artists from charting and national touring acts to bands and singer-songwriters just starting out. We've also worked on many voice-over projects and composed music for various types of jobs (film/tv, audio-books, educational, radio jingles). We love working on any audio-related project. The studio is centered around a TOFT ATB 24 Analog Console (bringing to projects the incredible sound and features of the venerable Trident Series 80 board), Universal Audio's Apollo high-resolution interface (high-resolution music production audio interface with classic analog sound), Pro Tools (the industry-standard music and audio productionSee more

Miriam McKinney Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Radio DJ





Master's degree

Georgia Tech
The University of Texas at Austin
The University of Texas..

Org Chart - Wonderland Studios






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Miriam McKinney

What company does Miriam McKinney work for?
Miriam McKinney works for Wonderland Studios as Co-Owner
What is Miriam McKinney’s role in Wonderland Studios?
Miriam McKinney’s role in Wonderland Studios is Co-Owner
What is Miriam McKinney’s direct phone number?
Miriam McKinney’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Miriam McKinney’s work phone number?
Miriam McKinney’s headquarters phone number is (512) 444-8030
What is Miriam McKinney’s latest job experience?
Miriam McKinney’s latest job experience is Radio DJ at Wrek
What is Miriam McKinney’s latest education?
Miriam McKinney’s latest education in Master's degree at Georgia Tech
Which industry does Miriam McKinney work in?
Miriam McKinney works in the industry of Media & Internet General, Media & Internet.
Who are Miriam McKinney’s peers at other companies?
Miriam McKinney’s peers at other companies are Billy Aukstik, Masani Stp, Jerrod King, Michaelia Pine, Carlos Ramirez.
Who is Miriam McKinney?

Miriam McKinney is the Co-Owner at Wonderland Studios, based in Austin, United States. Prior to her current role, she worked as a Radio DJ with Wrek. Miriam holds a Master's degree from Georgia Tech.... Read More

Where is Miriam McKinney based?
Miriam McKinney works for Wonderland Studios, located at United States
Who is Wonderland Studios’s Co-Owner?
Wonderland Studios's Co-Owner is Miriam McKinney
See more information about Miriam McKinney

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