2024-present (1 year)
Minoli Dawson Email & Phone number
Minoli Dawson Current Workplace
262 D. S. Senanayake Veediya, Kandy, Western, 20000, Sri Lanka
Phone Number
+94 812234297
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Minoli Dawson Work Experience Summary
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2About Minoli Dawson
Minoli Dawson works as a Teacher Assistant at Trinity College Kandy, which is a Colleges & Universities company with an estimated 321 employees. Minoli is currently based in Sri Lanka. They used to work at Irish International School. Found email listings include: m***@trinitycollege.lk, @irishinternational.school,and @irishinternational.school.Explore more
Minoli Dawson Current Workplace
Trinity College Kandy
The missionaries took into their ambit the best of our indigenous culture. Today it is one of the leading schools in the country and boasts a rich heritage. The grand Principal of Trinity College Rev. A.G. Fraser brought the school from being a mere provincial school to the status of a national college. In his day (1904-1924) and decades to follow, it became a multi faceted educational institution, equal to that of any leading school in the British Commonwealth. In fact it went beyond being National as in that era boys came to Trinity just to receive their education from countries such as Burma, some African countries, Maldives and Southern India. Although Trinity College was founded in 1872, its antecedents go back to 1818 when the first missionaries from Britain penetrated the Kandyan Kingdom. Rev. and Mrs. Thomas Browning set up a Mission House in this location, despite the anti-British rebellion that had just shaken the country then known as Ceylon. It was in this Mission House inSee more
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