
Minnie Lau

Owner at Minnie Lau

Minnie Lau Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Minnie Lau Current Workplace


Minnie Lau


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Minnie Lau Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Minnie Lau

Minnie Lau is an Owner at Minnie Lau based in San Francisco, California. Previously, Minnie was a Customer Service Representative at IRS and also held positions at Taxpayer Advocacy Panel.

Minnie Lau Current Workplace

Minnie Lau

2013-present (11 years)

Minnie Lau CPA specializes in stock option planning and tax strategy, offering proactive tax-saving solutions for technology professionals with various equity compensation types. With over ten years of experience and a Masters of Accountancy, Minnie provides guidance on maximizing equity compensation and navigating complex tax situations. The firm serves tech professionals, early-stage start-ups, and tech founders, helping them understand their equity packages and make informed financial decisions. Services include tax preparation, analysis, and implementation of strategies to optimize financial outcomes.

Minnie Lau Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Customer Service Representative



Board Memberships & Affiliations

Board Memberships & Affiliations

Taxpayer Advocacy Panel Member

Taxpayer Advocacy Panel


Org Chart - Minnie Lau

Minnie Lau


Recent News About Minnie Lau

Web References
Web References

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Minnie Lau

What company does Minnie Lau work for?
Minnie Lau works for Minnie Lau as Owner
What is Minnie Lau’s role in Minnie Lau?
Minnie Lau’s role in Minnie Lau is Owner
What is Minnie Lau’s email address?
Minnie Lau’s email address is m***@minnielau.com
What is Minnie Lau’s business email address?
Minnie Lau’s business email address is m***@minnielau.com
What is Minnie Lau’s direct phone number?
Minnie Lau’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Minnie Lau’s work phone number?
Minnie Lau’s headquarters phone number is (650) 242-9422
What is Minnie Lau’s latest job experience?
Minnie Lau’s latest job experience is Customer Service Representative at IRS
Which industry does Minnie Lau work in?
Minnie Lau works in the industry of Accounting & Accounting Services, Business Services.
Who are Minnie Lau’s peers at other companies?
Minnie Lau’s peers at other companies are Kimberly Mchenry, Russell Thompson, Erin Anker, Vikki Nunn, Matt Dybing.
Who are Minnie Lau’s colleagues?
Some of Minnie Lau’s colleagues are Katie Guido.
How can I contact Minnie Lau?
Minnie Lau contact details: Email address: m***@minnielau.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Minnie Lau?

Minnie Lau is an Owner at Minnie Lau based in San Francisco, California. Previously, Minnie was a Customer Service Representative at IRS and also held positions at Taxpayer Advocacy Panel....

Where is Minnie Lau based?
Minnie Lau works for Minnie Lau, located at United States
Who is Minnie Lau’s Owner?
Minnie Lau's Owner is Minnie Lau