Mike Zelesnik

Director of Traffic and Shipping at Aztec Steel

Mike Zelesnik Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Mike Zelesnik Current Workplace



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Mike Zelesnik Work Experience Summary

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About Mike Zelesnik

Mike Zelesnik is an experienced Shipping Supervisor with a demonstrated history of working in the transportation/trucking/railroad industry. They are currently the Director of Traffic and Shipping at Aztec Steel, where they are responsible for overseeing the company's shipping and distribution operations.Prior to their current role, Zelesnik served as the Supervisor of Shipping at Aztec Development, where they were in charge of managing the company's freight and distribution center operations. Zelesnik is skilled in Operations Management, Customer Service, Freight, Distribution Center Operations, and Warehouse Management Systems, and they have a strong background in the field.Zelesnik graduated from Mary Fuller Frazier High School and has a proven track record of success in the industry. They are a skilled operations professional with a passion for delivering exceptional results and driving continuous improvement within their organization.Explore more

Mike Zelesnik Current Workplace

Aztec Steel

2012-present (13 years)

Aztec Steel has been serving customers for over 22 years. Located in Northeast Ohio we feature over 2000 products to serve the fabrication, industrial, commercial and homebuilder markets in our region.

Mike Zelesnik Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Director, Logistics

Aztec Development


Supervisor of Shipping

Aztec Development


Shipping and Receiving

1994 Steel Factory Corp..


Senior Technician and Team Lead

Somerset, Inc.


Org Chart - Aztec Steel


Director of Traffic and Shipping




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Mike Zelesnik

What company does Mike Zelesnik work for?
Mike Zelesnik works for Aztec Steel as Director of Traffic and Shipping
What is Mike Zelesnik’s role in Aztec Steel?
Mike Zelesnik’s role in Aztec Steel is Director of Traffic and Shipping
What is Mike Zelesnik’s email address?
Mike Zelesnik’s email address is m***@aztecsteel.com
What is Mike Zelesnik’s business email address?
Mike Zelesnik’s business email address is m***@aztecsteel.com
What is Mike Zelesnik’s direct phone number?
Mike Zelesnik’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Mike Zelesnik’s work phone number?
Mike Zelesnik’s headquarters phone number is (440) 323-7576
What is Mike Zelesnik’s latest job experience?
Mike Zelesnik’s latest job experience is Director, Logistics at Aztec Development
Which industry does Mike Zelesnik work in?
Mike Zelesnik works in the industry of Industrial Machinery & Equipment, Manufacturing.
Who are Mike Zelesnik’s peers at other companies?
Mike Zelesnik’s peers at other companies are Ivan Andonov, Wariam Saini, Tracy Simmons, Cameron Irish, Nathan Cole.
Who are Mike Zelesnik’s colleagues?
Some of Mike Zelesnik’s colleagues are Bill Suhoski, Scarlett Kekic, John Black, Scott Altfeld.
How can I contact Mike Zelesnik?
Mike Zelesnik contact details: Email address: m***@aztecsteel.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Mike Zelesnik?

Mike Zelesnik is an experienced Shipping Supervisor with a demonstrated history of working in the transportation/trucking/railroad industry. They are currently the Director of Traffic and Shipping at Aztec Steel, where they are responsible for overseeing the company's shipping and distribution operations.Prior to their current role, Zelesnik served... as the Supervisor of Shipping at Aztec Development, where they were in charge of managing the company's freight and distribution center operations. Zelesnik is skilled in Operations Management, Customer Service, Freight, Distribution Center Operations, and Warehouse Management Systems, and they have a strong background in the field.Zelesnik graduated from Mary Fuller Frazier High School and has a proven track record of success in the industry. They are a skilled operations professional with a passion for delivering exceptional results and driving continuous improvement within their organization.Read More

Where is Mike Zelesnik based?
Mike Zelesnik works for Aztec Steel, located at United States
See more information about Mike Zelesnik

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