Mike Yoshimoto

Senior Engng Tech at City of San Jose

Mike Yoshimoto Email & Phone number


(559) ***-****

Mike Yoshimoto Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Mike Yoshimoto Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles


About Mike Yoshimoto

Mike Yoshimoto is a Senior Engng Tech at City of San Jose based in San Jose, California. Previously, Mike was a Board Member at Kings River Conservation District and also held positions at San Jose, Municipal Employees' Federation. Mike received a Bachelor of Science degree degree from University of California , Berkeley.

Mike Yoshimoto Current Workplace

City of San Jose

2013-present (12 years)

City of San Jose, founded in 1777 and headquartered in San Jose, California, is the largest city in Northern California.

Mike Yoshimoto Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Senior Engng Tech

San Jose




Bachelor of Science degree - Electrical Engineering

University of California , Berkeley
Board Memberships & Affiliations

Board Memberships & Affiliations

Org Chart - City of San Jose

Mike Yoshimoto

Senior Engng Tech

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Mike Yoshimoto

What company does Mike Yoshimoto work for?
Mike Yoshimoto works for City of San Jose as Senior Engng Tech
What is Mike Yoshimoto’s role in City of San Jose?
Mike Yoshimoto’s role in City of San Jose is Senior Engng Tech
What is Mike Yoshimoto’s email address?
Mike Yoshimoto’s email address is m***@sanjoseca.gov
What is Mike Yoshimoto’s business email address?
Mike Yoshimoto’s business email address is m***@sanjoseca.gov
What is Mike Yoshimoto’s direct phone number?
Mike Yoshimoto’s direct phone number is (559) ***-****
What is Mike Yoshimoto’s work phone number?
Mike Yoshimoto’s headquarters phone number is (408) 535-3500
What is Mike Yoshimoto’s latest job experience?
Mike Yoshimoto’s latest job experience is Senior Engng Tech at San Jose
What is Mike Yoshimoto’s latest education?
Mike Yoshimoto’s latest education in Bachelor of Science degree - Electrical Engineering at University of California , Berkeley
Which industry does Mike Yoshimoto work in?
Mike Yoshimoto works in the industry of Cities, Towns & Municipalities General, Cities, Towns & Municipalities.
Who are Mike Yoshimoto’s colleagues?
Some of Mike Yoshimoto’s colleagues are Rey Sadorra, Kathleen Penumarty, Yvette Mirzapour, Andrew Becerra.
How can I contact Mike Yoshimoto?
Mike Yoshimoto contact details: Email address: m***@sanjoseca.gov Phone number: (559) ***-****
Who is Mike Yoshimoto?

Mike Yoshimoto is a Senior Engng Tech at City of San Jose based in San Jose, California. Previously, Mike was a Board Member at Kings River Conservation District and also held positions at San Jose, Municipal Employees' Federation. Mike received a Bachelor of Science degree degree from University of California , Berkeley....

Where is Mike Yoshimoto based?
Mike Yoshimoto works for City of San Jose, located at United States