Mike Demarco

Chief Financial Officer at Credit Associates

Mike Demarco Email & Phone number

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(406) ***-****

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Mike Demarco Work Experience Summary

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About Mike Demarco

Mike Demarco is the Chief Financial Officer at Credit Associates based in Great Falls, Montana. Previously, Mike was the Chairman at Rural Dynamics.Explore more

Mike Demarco Current Workplace

Credit Associates

2010-present (15 years)

We focus on understanding your industry, your needs and making them our goals. Specializing in industries such as healthcare, government, utilities, law, retail, education, veterinary, property management and more. In 1990, we developed a company - Professional Accounts Receivable Management - which handles long-term self-pay billing. At Credit Associates our top priority is our clientele. We are always looking for innovative ways to make the collection process more user-friendly not only for us but, more importantly, for you. With over 120 years of combined management experience, we make recovering your bad debt our business! Our knowledgeable staff are always available to assist and serve you with your billing and collection needs. We share our experience in debt recovery and billing with you, your business, and your internal accounting team to offer personalized training which ultimately increases the overall debt recovery outcome. Our collectors are certified through the ACA (AmeriSee more

Mike Demarco Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


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Board Memberships & Affiliations

Board Memberships & Affiliations


Rural Dynamics


Org Chart - Credit Associates

Chief Financial Officer





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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Mike Demarco

What company does Mike Demarco work for?
Mike Demarco works for Credit Associates as Chief Financial Officer
What is Mike Demarco’s role in Credit Associates?
Mike Demarco’s role in Credit Associates is Chief Financial Officer
What is Mike Demarco’s direct phone number?
Mike Demarco’s direct phone number is (406) ***-****
What is Mike Demarco’s work phone number?
Mike Demarco’s headquarters phone number is (406) 257-7555
Which industry does Mike Demarco work in?
Mike Demarco works in the industry of Finance General, Finance.
Who are Mike Demarco’s peers at other companies?
Mike Demarco’s peers at other companies are Steven Sellers, Rebecca Wong, Mohammed Rashid, Samantha Oberhausen, Bruce Bailey.
Who are Mike Demarco’s colleagues?
Some of Mike Demarco’s colleagues are Zeron Lewis, Mark Nash.
Who is Mike Demarco?

Mike Demarco is the Chief Financial Officer at Credit Associates based in Great Falls, Montana. Previously, Mike was the Chairman at Rural Dynamics.... Read More

Where is Mike Demarco based?
Mike Demarco works for Credit Associates, located at United States
Who is Credit Associates’s Chief Financial Officer?
Credit Associates's Chief Financial Officer is Mike Demarco
See more information about Mike Demarco

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