Micky Changa

Information Technology and OT Support at Parrogate

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About Micky Changa

Micky Changa is an Information Technology and OT Support professional at Parrogate. They are responsible for providing technical support and maintaining the organization's information systems and operational technology. Changa holds a Bachelor of Engineering Honours degree from Copperbelt University, where they developed their expertise in technology and problem-solving.Explore more

Micky Changa Current Workplace


2023-present (2 years)

Parrogate Group is a leading force in African agriculture, notably transforming the cotton and edible oil industries since its establishment in Central India and expansion into Africa in 2003. With significant investments in various sectors including fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG), logistics, and packaging, the company demonstrates a commitment to operational efficiency through business integration. Parrogate is also dedicated to social impact initiatives, focusing on empowerment programs for women and supporting underprivileged communities through charity work. Its diversified portfolio and community-oriented approach underscore Parrogate's role in fostering growth and development across the African continent.

Org Chart - Parrogate


Information Technology and OT Suppo...




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Micky Changa

What company does Micky Changa work for?
Micky Changa works for Parrogate as Information Technology and OT Support
What is Micky Changa’s role in Parrogate?
Micky Changa’s role in Parrogate is Information Technology and OT Support
What is Micky Changa’s direct phone number?
Micky Changa’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Micky Changa’s work phone number?
Micky Changa’s headquarters phone number is +263 4667608
Which industry does Micky Changa work in?
Micky Changa works in the industry of Food, Beverages & Tobacco, Manufacturing.
Who are Micky Changa’s colleagues?
Some of Micky Changa’s colleagues are Nyasha Mvududu, Chongo Chilufya, Given Lungu, Dhiraj Kose.
Who is Micky Changa?

Micky Changa is an Information Technology and OT Support professional at Parrogate. They are responsible for providing technical support and maintaining the organization's information systems and operational technology. Changa holds a Bachelor of Engineering Honours degree from Copperbelt University, where they developed their expertise in technolo... gy and problem-solving.Read More

Where is Micky Changa based?
Micky Changa works for Parrogate, located at Zimbabwe
See more information about Micky Changa

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