Michelle Heredia

Newborn Assistant Photographer at Cristal Kay

Michelle Heredia Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Michelle Heredia Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Michelle Heredia Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Michelle Heredia

Michelle Heredia is a Newborn Assistant Photographer at Cristal Kay based in Corona, California. Previously, Michelle was a Preschool Photographer at Lifetouch.

Michelle Heredia Current Workplace

Cristal Kay

2020-present (4 years)

Cristal Kay Photography, located in Corona, California, specializes in maternity, newborn, and baby photography, offering a full-service experience for families. The studio provides a range of portrait services including newborn sessions, baby milestones, and first birthday cake smashes. Primarily serving families throughout Riverside County and surrounding areas, Cristal ensures a comfortable and enjoyable photography experience for new parents. With a focus on capturing precious moments from 'bump to baby and beyond', Cristal aims to create beautiful, cherished portraits for families.

Michelle Heredia Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Preschool Photographer





Photographer and Videographer Internship



Professional Photographer

Extreme Sports Imaging


Org Chart - Cristal Kay

Michelle Heredia

Newborn Assistant Photographer

Intent on Michelle Heredia's Company


Interest in Michelle Heredia's Company

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Michelle Heredia

What company does Michelle Heredia work for?
Michelle Heredia works for Cristal Kay as Newborn Assistant Photographer
What is Michelle Heredia’s role in Cristal Kay?
Michelle Heredia’s role in Cristal Kay is Newborn Assistant Photographer
What is Michelle Heredia’s direct phone number?
Michelle Heredia’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Michelle Heredia’s work phone number?
Michelle Heredia’s headquarters phone number is (951) 496-2024
What is Michelle Heredia’s latest job experience?
Michelle Heredia’s latest job experience is Preschool Photographer at Lifetouch
Which industry does Michelle Heredia work in?
Michelle Heredia works in the industry of Photography Studio, Consumer Services.
Who is Michelle Heredia?

Michelle Heredia is a Newborn Assistant Photographer at Cristal Kay based in Corona, California. Previously, Michelle was a Preschool Photographer at Lifetouch....

Where is Michelle Heredia based?
Michelle Heredia works for Cristal Kay, located at United States