Michelle Asay

Teacher at Tippecanoe School Corporation

Michelle Asay Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Michelle Asay Current Workplace



Number of Employees

Michelle Asay Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Michelle Asay

Michelle Asay is a Teacher at Tippecanoe School Corporation based in Lafayette, Indiana. Previously, Michelle was a Teacher at McCutcheon High School.

Michelle Asay Current Workplace

Tippecanoe School Corporation

2014-present (10 years)

The Tippecanoe School Corporation is a school district in Tippecanoe County, Indiana. The district oversees nine elementary schools, six middle schools and three high schools.

Michelle Asay Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience


McCutcheon High School


Org Chart - Tippecanoe School Corporation

Michelle Asay


Recent News About Michelle Asay

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Michelle Asay

What company does Michelle Asay work for?
Michelle Asay works for Tippecanoe School Corporation as Teacher
What is Michelle Asay’s role in Tippecanoe School Corporation?
Michelle Asay’s role in Tippecanoe School Corporation is Teacher
What is Michelle Asay’s email address?
Michelle Asay’s email address is m***@tsc.k12.in.us
What is Michelle Asay’s business email address?
Michelle Asay’s business email address is m***@tsc.k12.in.us
What is Michelle Asay’s direct phone number?
Michelle Asay’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Michelle Asay’s work phone number?
Michelle Asay’s headquarters phone number is (765) 474-2481
What is Michelle Asay’s latest job experience?
Michelle Asay’s latest job experience is Teacher at McCutcheon High School
Which industry does Michelle Asay work in?
Michelle Asay works in the industry of K-12 Schools, Education.
Who are Michelle Asay’s peers at other companies?
Michelle Asay’s peers at other companies are Trina Ford, Valerie Mazrek, Maria Ondari, Wendy Wierzbicki, Robin Axtell.
Who are Michelle Asay’s colleagues?
Some of Michelle Asay’s colleagues are Cindy Baldwin, Jody Wagner, Nurit Harash-Kantor, Hazel Gick.
How can I contact Michelle Asay?
Michelle Asay contact details: Email address: m***@tsc.k12.in.us Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Michelle Asay?

Michelle Asay is a Teacher at Tippecanoe School Corporation based in Lafayette, Indiana. Previously, Michelle was a Teacher at McCutcheon High School....

Where is Michelle Asay based?
Michelle Asay works for Tippecanoe School Corporation, located at United States