Michele Roods

Beef Consultant at Intelact

Michele Roods Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Michele Roods Current Workplace




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Number of Employees

Michele Roods Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Michele Roods

Michele Roods, a Beef Consultant at Intelact based in Estcourt, South Africa. Prior to their current role, they were a Technical Consultant with De Heus South Africa. Roods holds a Bachelor of Applied Science degree from the University of Pretoria/Universiteit van Pretoria, and is responsible for providing expert advice and support to clients in the beef industry.Explore more

Michele Roods Current Workplace


2021-present (4 years)

IntelAct is a training management firm that aims to facilitate the corporate sector by arranging world class training workshops. We arrange trainings delivered by the best trainers in the industry to help organizations meet the requirements of this fast moving world. We also provide customized (tailor made) trainings to the Organizations according to their business needs. We believe in team growth concept and our clients are our partners. We help and motivate companies who want to promote training and Organizational Development culture to equip their professionals with innovative knowledge to grow synergistically.

Michele Roods Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Technical Consultant

De Heus South Africa


Technical Consultant

Meadow Feeds


Org Chart - Intelact


Beef Consultant




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Michele Roods

What company does Michele Roods work for?
Michele Roods works for Intelact as Beef Consultant
What is Michele Roods’s role in Intelact?
Michele Roods’s role in Intelact is Beef Consultant
What is Michele Roods’s direct phone number?
Michele Roods’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Michele Roods’s work phone number?
Michele Roods’s headquarters phone number is +27 333303761
What is Michele Roods’s latest job experience?
Michele Roods’s latest job experience is Technical Consultant at De Heus South Africa
Which industry does Michele Roods work in?
Michele Roods works in the industry of Food, Beverages & Tobacco, Manufacturing.
Who are Michele Roods’s colleagues?
Some of Michele Roods’s colleagues are Jesse Bolt, Shaun Ainsworth, Faisal Hashmi, Bruce Thomas.
Who is Michele Roods?

Michele Roods, a Beef Consultant at Intelact based in Estcourt, South Africa. Prior to their current role, they were a Technical Consultant with De Heus South Africa. Roods holds a Bachelor of Applied Science degree from the University of Pretoria/Universiteit van Pretoria, and is responsible for providing expert advice and support to clients in th... e beef industry.Read More

Where is Michele Roods based?
Michele Roods works for Intelact, located at Australia
See more information about Michele Roods

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