Michael Yount

Michael Yount Email & Phone number


(916) ***-****

Michael Yount Current Workplace


Phone Number

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Michael Yount Work Experience Summary

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About Michael Yount

Michael Yount works at The Chinese New Year Cultural Association, which is a Non-Profit & Charitable Organizations company with an estimated 5 employees. Michael is currently based in California. They used to work at Sacramento City Unified School District. Found email listings include: m***@cnyca.net, @wmconnect.com.

Michael Yount Current Workplace

The Chinese New Year Cultural Association is a company that operates in the Non-Profit & Charitable Organizations industry. It employs 5to9 people and has 5Mto10M of revenue. The company is headquartered in Sacramento, California.

Michael Yount Work Experience & Education

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Michael Yount

What is Michael Yount’s direct phone number?
Michael Yount’s direct phone number is (916) ***-****
What is Michael Yount’s work phone number?
Michael Yount’s headquarters phone number is (916) 552-9650
What is Michael Yount’s latest job experience?
Michael Yount’s latest job experience is Teacher at Sacramento City Unified School District
Which industry does Michael Yount work in?
Michael Yount works in the industry of Charitable Organizations & Foundations, Organizations.
Who are Michael Yount’s colleagues?
Some of Michael Yount’s colleagues are Steve Yee, Goeff Zhang.
Where is Michael Yount based?
Michael Yount works for The Chinese New Year Cultural Association, located at United States