1983-present (42 years)
Michael Teitelman Email & Phone number
Michael Teitelman Current Workplace
7607 La Jolla Blvd, La Jolla, California, 92037, United States
Phone Number
(858) 459-4021
Number of Employees
Michael Teitelman Work Experience Summary
Number of companies worked for
1Average duration at a company (years)
42Number of job titles
1About Michael Teitelman
Michael Teitelman is a Head of School at The Bishop's School based in La Jolla, California.
Michael received a B. A. degree from Albright College and a Master's of Art from Brown University.
Michael Teitelman Current Workplace
The Bishop's School
The Bishops School was founded in 1909 and is a coeducational, college preparatory independent day school affiliated with the Episcopal Church. They serve 800 students in grades 6 through 12 who live throughout San Diego County.
Michael Teitelman Work Experience & Education
Number of companies worked for
1Average duration at a company (years)
42Number of job titles
B. A.
Albright CollegeMaster's of Art - Teaching
Brown UniversityRecent News About Michael Teitelman
Heads of School | The Bishop's School
On July 1, 2009, Aimeclaire Lambert Roche began her tenure as the eleventh head of school at The Bishop's School , taking the leadership role from Mic...Heads of School | The Bishop's School
On July 1, 2009, Aimeclaire Lambert Roche began her tenure as the eleventh head of school at The Bishop's School , taking the leadership role from Mic...The Bishop's School - About Us
After receiving a B.A. from Albright College in 1960, Michael Teitelman enrolled in Brown University , where he subsequently earned a Master’s of Ar...
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Michael Teitelman
Michael Teitelman is a Head of School at The Bishop's School based in La Jolla, California. Michael received a B. A. degree from Albright College and a Master's of Art from Brown University....