Michael Teitelman

Head of School at The Bishop's School

Michael Teitelman Email & Phone number


(858) ***-****

Michael Teitelman Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Michael Teitelman Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Michael Teitelman

Michael Teitelman is a Head of School at The Bishop's School based in La Jolla, California. Michael received a B. A. degree from Albright College and a Master's of Art from Brown University.

Michael Teitelman Current Workplace

The Bishop's School

1983-present (42 years)

The Bishops School was founded in 1909 and is a coeducational, college preparatory independent day school affiliated with the Episcopal Church. They serve 800 students in grades 6 through 12 who live throughout San Diego County.

Michael Teitelman Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles



B. A.

Albright College

Master's of Art - Teaching

Brown University

Org Chart - The Bishop's School

Michael Teitelman

Head of School

Recent News About Michael Teitelman

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Michael Teitelman

What company does Michael Teitelman work for?
Michael Teitelman works for The Bishop's School as Head of School
What is Michael Teitelman’s role in The Bishop's School?
Michael Teitelman’s role in The Bishop's School is Head of School
What is Michael Teitelman’s direct phone number?
Michael Teitelman’s direct phone number is (858) ***-****
What is Michael Teitelman’s work phone number?
Michael Teitelman’s headquarters phone number is (858) 459-4021
What is Michael Teitelman’s latest education?
Michael Teitelman’s latest education in B. A. at Albright College
Which industry does Michael Teitelman work in?
Michael Teitelman works in the industry of K-12 Schools, Education.
Who are Michael Teitelman’s peers at other companies?
Michael Teitelman’s peers at other companies are Patricia Swenson, Janelle Chetty, Beth Martin, Peter McKnight, Howard Davis.
Who are Michael Teitelman’s colleagues?
Some of Michael Teitelman’s colleagues are Stephanie Ramos, Jane Mattox, Susie Fournier, Lenore Fraga.
Who is Michael Teitelman?

Michael Teitelman is a Head of School at The Bishop's School based in La Jolla, California. Michael received a B. A. degree from Albright College and a Master's of Art from Brown University....

Where is Michael Teitelman based?
Michael Teitelman works for The Bishop's School, located at United States