Michael Schneider

Judge at James Sullivan

Michael Schneider Email & Phone number

Engage via Phone

(713) ***-****

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About Michael Schneider

Michael Schneider is a Judge at James Sullivan based in Houston, Texas.Explore more

Michael Schneider Current Workplace

James Sullivan

2023-present (1 year)

James (Jim) Sullivan is an experienced Houston Criminal Defense Attorney. For over 25 years, Sullivan has fought the government in jury trials on behalf of clients in criminal and juvenile courts. James Sullivan graduated from Gerry Spence's Trial Lawyers College, the most selective and prestigious trial advocacy program in America. Sullivan has a proven record of defending people from all walks of life, faiths and countries in courts throughout Texas. Houston Criminal Defense Attorney James Sullivan has a good reputation in the legal community. Sullivan is humbled by fine lawyers who endorse him on AVVO . He is also very grateful for clients who write testimonials on his behalf. Most of his business comes from referrals from past clients and other lawyers, although it is not necessary to have a referral for him to defend you. Anyone can call James Sullivan to represent them. James Sullivan chose to become a criminal lawyer. It was not by accident. Fighting the government and defendingSee more

Org Chart - James Sullivan






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Michael Schneider

What company does Michael Schneider work for?
Michael Schneider works for James Sullivan as Judge
What is Michael Schneider’s role in James Sullivan?
Michael Schneider’s role in James Sullivan is Judge
What is Michael Schneider’s direct phone number?
Michael Schneider’s direct phone number is (713) ***-****
What is Michael Schneider’s work phone number?
Michael Schneider’s headquarters phone number is (281) 546-6428
Which industry does Michael Schneider work in?
Michael Schneider works in the industry of Law Firms & Legal Services.
Who are Michael Schneider’s peers at other companies?
Michael Schneider’s peers at other companies are Jay Schreier, Christine Ward, William Hill, Kent Lindquist, Michael Donio.
Who are Michael Schneider’s colleagues?
Some of Michael Schneider’s colleagues are Glenn Devlin, Charles McLemore, Sonya Ray, Luis Cuero.
Who is Michael Schneider?

Michael Schneider is a Judge at James Sullivan based in Houston, Texas.... Read More

Where is Michael Schneider based?
Michael Schneider works for James Sullivan, located at United States
See more information about Michael Schneider

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