Michael Rylance

PYP Coordinator at Changchun American International School

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About Michael Rylance

Michael Rylance is a PYP Coordinator at Changchun American International School based in Changchun, Jilin.Explore more

Michael Rylance Current Workplace

Changchun American International School (CAIS) is the first international school in Jilin Province and is authorized by the Provincial and Central Governments. We are an IB World School authorized to offer the IB Diploma Program since 2008 and the IB Middle Years Program since December 2011. We are pleased to announce that Changchun American International School received the IB Primary Years Program accreditation in Spring of 2013. We serve children from aged 3-19. CAIS graduates have access to more than 2,500 private and public universities in nearly 140 nations receiving IB Diploma Program graduates, including The United States, Canada, and England. CAIS is also a registered Cambridge (UK) exam test centre administering standardized English language tests for students of many ages.

Org Chart - Changchun American International School


PYP Coordinator




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Michael Rylance

What company does Michael Rylance work for?
Michael Rylance works for Changchun American International School as PYP Coordinator
What is Michael Rylance’s role in Changchun American International School?
Michael Rylance’s role in Changchun American International School is PYP Coordinator
What is Michael Rylance’s direct phone number?
Michael Rylance’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Michael Rylance’s work phone number?
Michael Rylance’s headquarters phone number is +86 43184581234
Which industry does Michael Rylance work in?
Michael Rylance works in the industry of K-12 Schools, Education.
Who are Michael Rylance’s peers at other companies?
Michael Rylance’s peers at other companies are Maria Chalhoub, Kristen Prideaux, Laura Maestas, Ann Lindsey, Jenny Carley.
Who are Michael Rylance’s colleagues?
Some of Michael Rylance’s colleagues are Marie Sanz, Nicholas House, Dan Popescu, Nicholas Witte.
Who is Michael Rylance?

Michael Rylance is a PYP Coordinator at Changchun American International School based in Changchun, Jilin.... Read More

Where is Michael Rylance based?
Michael Rylance works for Changchun American International School, located at China
See more information about Michael Rylance

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