Michael Rajnicek

Manager, Business Development & Marketing at LaFontsee Galleries

Michael Rajnicek Email & Phone number

Engage via Phone

(616) ***-****

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Michael Rajnicek Work Experience Summary

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About Michael Rajnicek

Michael Rajnicek is a Manager, Business Development & Marketing at LaFontsee Galleries based in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Previously, Michael was a Teller I at Lake Michigan Credit Union and also held positions at East Grand Rapids, Michigan Titanium, Grand Rapids Public Library, Grand Rapids Children's Museum. Michael received a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from Grand Valley State University.Explore more

Michael Rajnicek Current Workplace

LaFontsee Galleries

2017-present (8 years)

LaFontsee Galleries provides custom framing solutions for all conceivable residential and commercial projects. We offer a vast array of matting, glazing, mounting, and moulding choices to fulfill your every need. From the simple to the complex, our knowledgeable framing designers guide you through the process of deciding what works. First, we ask questions. Then, we listen. Together, we come up with the best design using the best materials for the best outcome. Our experience ensures your satisfaction and our familiarity makes the process fun. Completed pieces will be visually pleasing and stand the test of time. We also offer economical framing of posters and prints to enhance your home or office décor. We are here to suggest all possibilities, no matter what your budget may be.

Michael Rajnicek Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Shoe Buyer



Sales Associate & Designer



Library Page

Grand Rapids Public Library




Bachelor of Fine Arts - Illustration

Grand Valley State University

Org Chart - LaFontsee Galleries


Manager, Business Development & Mar...




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Michael Rajnicek

What company does Michael Rajnicek work for?
Michael Rajnicek works for LaFontsee Galleries as Manager, Business Development & Marketing
What is Michael Rajnicek’s role in LaFontsee Galleries?
Michael Rajnicek’s role in LaFontsee Galleries is Manager, Business Development & Marketing
What is Michael Rajnicek’s email address?
Michael Rajnicek’s email address is m***@lafontsee.us
What is Michael Rajnicek’s business email address?
Michael Rajnicek’s business email address is m***@lafontsee.us
What is Michael Rajnicek’s direct phone number?
Michael Rajnicek’s direct phone number is (616) ***-****
What is Michael Rajnicek’s work phone number?
Michael Rajnicek’s headquarters phone number is (616) 451-9820
What is Michael Rajnicek’s latest job experience?
Michael Rajnicek’s latest job experience is Teller I at Lake Michigan Credit Union
What is Michael Rajnicek’s latest education?
Michael Rajnicek’s latest education in Bachelor of Fine Arts - Illustration at Grand Valley State University
Which industry does Michael Rajnicek work in?
Michael Rajnicek works in the industry of Museums & Art Galleries, Cultural.
Who are Michael Rajnicek’s peers at other companies?
Michael Rajnicek’s peers at other companies are Roger Pocock.
Who are Michael Rajnicek’s colleagues?
Some of Michael Rajnicek’s colleagues are Kyle Isbell, Shannon Mack, Fay Nielsen, Laura Brown.
How can I contact Michael Rajnicek?
Michael Rajnicek contact details: Email address: m***@lafontsee.us Phone number: (616) ***-****
Who is Michael Rajnicek?

Michael Rajnicek is a Manager, Business Development & Marketing at LaFontsee Galleries based in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Previously, Michael was a Teller I at Lake Michigan Credit Union and also held positions at East Grand Rapids, Michigan Titanium, Grand Rapids Public Library, Grand Rapids Children's Museum. Michael received a Bachelor of Fine A... rts degree from Grand Valley State University.Read More

Where is Michael Rajnicek based?
Michael Rajnicek works for LaFontsee Galleries, located at United States
See more information about Michael Rajnicek

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