Michael Nera

Senior Sales Manager at CIBI Information

Michael Nera Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Michael Nera Current Workplace


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Michael Nera Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Michael Nera

Michael Nera is a Senior Sales Manager at CIBI Information based in Pembo, Bicol. Previously, Michael was a Relationship Manager at BDO Unibank.Explore more

Michael Nera Current Workplace

CIBI Information

2024-present (4 months)

CIBI Information, Inc. , also known as CIBI, is at the forefront of financial inclusion. By being the Philippines' first and only Filipino credit bureau since 1982, CIBI is nurturing its expertise through its vast affiliation, effective methods and renowned credibility, validated by esteemed clients and recognized by the Philippine government. Through its partnership with internationally-acclaimed consumer credit score and analytics providers, CIBI developed the country's benchmark for globally-accepted credit scores that supports the financial growth of every Filipino locally and abroad. CIBI knows every Juan better and aims to contribute in the growth of the economy by transforming the 'unbanked' into bankable individuals. Our credit scoring system is derived from robust local data that makes it an effective tool in supporting efficient credit channel facilities for financial institutions; easing loan application approvals; and helping the development of MSMEs. CIBI is your local gatSee more

Michael Nera Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Associate Sales Director

SMDC The Good Guys!


Credit Analyst

BDO Unibank


Relationship Manager

BDO Unibank


Org Chart - CIBI Information


Senior Sales Manager




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Michael Nera

What company does Michael Nera work for?
Michael Nera works for CIBI Information as Senior Sales Manager
What is Michael Nera’s role in CIBI Information?
Michael Nera’s role in CIBI Information is Senior Sales Manager
What is Michael Nera’s direct phone number?
Michael Nera’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Michael Nera’s work phone number?
Michael Nera’s headquarters phone number is +63 28192424
What is Michael Nera’s latest job experience?
Michael Nera’s latest job experience is Associate Sales Director at SMDC The Good Guys!
Which industry does Michael Nera work in?
Michael Nera works in the industry of Credit Cards & Transaction Processing, Finance.
Who are Michael Nera’s peers at other companies?
Michael Nera’s peers at other companies are Bilal Magloo, Cynthia Terfa-Fyanka, Ryan Maloof, Ajay Raina, Colin Lee.
Who are Michael Nera’s colleagues?
Some of Michael Nera’s colleagues are Walter Guillarte, Christian Pantaleon, Louie Cañete, Elizabeth Gonzales.
Who is Michael Nera?

Michael Nera is a Senior Sales Manager at CIBI Information based in Pembo, Bicol. Previously, Michael was a Relationship Manager at BDO Unibank.... Read More

Where is Michael Nera based?
Michael Nera works for CIBI Information, located at Philippines
See more information about Michael Nera

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