Michael Levitin

Assistant Professor, Journalism at Diablo Valley College

Michael Levitin Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Michael Levitin Current Workplace



Number of Employees

Michael Levitin Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles


About Michael Levitin

Michael Levitin is an Assistant Professor, Journalism at Diablo Valley College based in Pleasant Hill, California. Previously, Michael was an Adjunct Professor, Journalism at University of San Francisco and also held positions at Wärtsilä, Obermayer Foundation, Encore, Associated Reporters Abroad, Photon Consulting, San Francisco Public Press. Michael received a Masters degree degree from Columbia Graduate School of Journalism.

Michael Levitin Current Workplace

Diablo Valley College

2019-present (6 years)

Diablo Valley College (DVC) is a public community college founded in 1949 with campuses in Pleasant Hill and San Ramon in Contra Costa County, California.

Michael Levitin Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Adjunct Professor, Journalism

University of San Francisco


Ghost Writer, Blogger



Co-Founder & Editor

The Occupied Wall Street Journal







Masters degree

Columbia Graduate School of Journalism
Santa Rosa Junior College , SF State
UC Santa Cruz


University of California , Santa Cruz

Org Chart - Diablo Valley College

Michael Levitin

Assistant Professor, Journalism

Recent News About Michael Levitin

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Michael Levitin

What company does Michael Levitin work for?
Michael Levitin works for Diablo Valley College as Assistant Professor, Journalism
What is Michael Levitin’s role in Diablo Valley College?
Michael Levitin’s role in Diablo Valley College is Assistant Professor, Journalism
What is Michael Levitin’s email address?
Michael Levitin’s email address is m***@dvc.edu
What is Michael Levitin’s business email address?
Michael Levitin’s business email address is m***@dvc.edu
What is Michael Levitin’s direct phone number?
Michael Levitin’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Michael Levitin’s work phone number?
Michael Levitin’s headquarters phone number is (925) 685-1230
What is Michael Levitin’s latest job experience?
Michael Levitin’s latest job experience is Adjunct Professor, Journalism at University of San Francisco
What is Michael Levitin’s latest education?
Michael Levitin’s latest education in Masters degree at Columbia Graduate School of Journalism
Which industry does Michael Levitin work in?
Michael Levitin works in the industry of Colleges & Universities, Education.
Who are Michael Levitin’s peers at other companies?
Michael Levitin’s peers at other companies are Stef Kempton, Erica Soto, Allison Frisch.
Who are Michael Levitin’s colleagues?
Some of Michael Levitin’s colleagues are Cathy Fitzgerald, Frank Ortega, Lizette Ponthier, Alicia Fausto.
How can I contact Michael Levitin?
Michael Levitin contact details: Email address: m***@dvc.edu Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Michael Levitin?

Michael Levitin is an Assistant Professor, Journalism at Diablo Valley College based in Pleasant Hill, California. Previously, Michael was an Adjunct Professor, Journalism at University of San Francisco and also held positions at Wärtsilä, Obermayer Foundation, Encore, Associated Reporters Abroad, Photon Consulting, San Francisco Public Press. Mi... chael received a Masters degree degree from Columbia Graduate School of Journalism.

Where is Michael Levitin based?
Michael Levitin works for Diablo Valley College, located at United States