Michael Levitin

Chief Financial Officer at Vosht Capital

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Michael Levitin Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

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Michael Levitin Work Experience Summary

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Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Michael Levitin

Michael Levitin is the Chief Financial Officer at Vosht Capital based in Newport Beach, California. Previously, Michael was the Chief Financial Officer at Oxford Investment Partners. Michael received a Bachelor of Science degree from CSU-LA and a MBA from McKenna.Explore more

Michael Levitin Current Workplace

Vosht Capital

2019-present (6 years)

Vosht Capital consistently acquires high quality investment properties priced significantly below market. We are committed to ongoing improvement of our assets through targeted value-add initiatives and hands-on management, always engaging premier local specialists and expertise. Our highly focused and ongoing efforts result in solid returns that exceed expectations. We do this within a low-leverage or non-leveraged low risk profile structure.

Michael Levitin Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Chief Financial Officer

Oxford Investment Partners




Bachelor of Science - Finance


MBA - finance


Org Chart - Vosht Capital

Chief Financial Officer





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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Michael Levitin

What company does Michael Levitin work for?
Michael Levitin works for Vosht Capital as Chief Financial Officer
What is Michael Levitin’s role in Vosht Capital?
Michael Levitin’s role in Vosht Capital is Chief Financial Officer
What is Michael Levitin’s email address?
Michael Levitin’s email address is m***@vosht.com
What is Michael Levitin’s business email address?
Michael Levitin’s business email address is m***@vosht.com
What is Michael Levitin’s direct phone number?
Michael Levitin’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Michael Levitin’s work phone number?
Michael Levitin’s headquarters phone number is (949) 207-3319
What is Michael Levitin’s latest job experience?
Michael Levitin’s latest job experience is Chief Financial Officer at Oxford Investment Partners
What is Michael Levitin’s latest education?
Michael Levitin’s latest education in Bachelor of Science - Finance at CSU-LA
Which industry does Michael Levitin work in?
Michael Levitin works in the industry of Venture Capital & Private Equity, Finance.
Who are Michael Levitin’s peers at other companies?
Michael Levitin’s peers at other companies are Michael Burke, Jeff Wurtz, John Woodworth, Ellan Ben-Hayon, Marc Pangburn.
Who are Michael Levitin’s colleagues?
Some of Michael Levitin’s colleagues are Clifford Taylor.
How can I contact Michael Levitin?
Michael Levitin contact details: Email address: m***@vosht.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Michael Levitin?

Michael Levitin is the Chief Financial Officer at Vosht Capital based in Newport Beach, California. Previously, Michael was the Chief Financial Officer at Oxford Investment Partners. Michael received a Bachelor of Science degree from CSU-LA and a MBA from McKenna.... Read More

Where is Michael Levitin based?
Michael Levitin works for Vosht Capital, located at United States
Who is Vosht Capital’s Chief Financial Officer?
Vosht Capital's Chief Financial Officer is Michael Levitin
See more information about Michael Levitin

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