2017-present (8 years)
Michael Kynett Email & Phone number
Michael Kynett Current Workplace
455 University Ave Ste 100, Sacramento, California, 95825, United States
Phone Number
(916) 456-4400
Number of Employees
Michael Kynett Work Experience Summary
Number of companies worked for
6Average duration at a company (years)
3Number of job titles
5About Michael Kynett
Michael Kynett is a Civil Engineer at MBK Engineers based in Sacramento, California.
Previously, Michael was a Civil Engineer & Lspm Civil Engineer at United States Army and also held positions at URS, Warren Consulting Engineers, Youngdahl Consulting Group, City of Sacramento.
Michael received a B. S. degree from Sacramento State University.
Michael Kynett Current Workplace
MBK Engineers
The staff, consisting of professional engineers with registration in California, Nevada and Oregon, a registered hydrologist, and a registered land surveyor, are uniquely experienced and qualified to perform analyses and study in hydrology, hydraulics, planning, and operational analysis. The professional staff is supported by a variety of resources, including a library comprised of photos, government documents, primary sources and historical materials, maps and drawings developed through research and first hand experience of major water resources and flood issues, projects and events in California and other areas. An experienced technical support staff supplies comprehensive CAD, GIS, cartography, presentation graphics, and field services. In addition, MBK Engineers works closely with specialists in the fields of geotechnical engineering, fisheries and wildlife, soil science, agronomy, economics, history, geography and law, in order to provide clients with a full range of services relaSee more
Michael Kynett Work Experience & Education
Recent News About Michael Kynett
MBK Engineers
[Michael Kynett, P.E.] MBK Engineers Toggle navigation Michael Kynett Supervising Engineer Mike started with MBK in July 2017. Prior to start...MBK Engineers
Michael Kynett , P.E. Michael Kynett , P.E.MBK Engineers
Francis Hveen Geotechnical Award - Mike Kynett Way to go Carly and Mike!2017 - DFI - Page 4
Deep Foundations Institute (DFI) announces that Michael Kynett , P.E., levee safety program manager for the Engineering Division of the U.S. Army Corp...
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Michael Kynett
Michael Kynett is a Civil Engineer at MBK Engineers based in Sacramento, California. Previously, Michael was a Civil Engineer & Lspm Civil Engineer at United States Army and also held positions at URS, Warren Consulting Engineers, Youngdahl Consulting Group, City of Sacramento. Michael received a B. S. degree from Sacramento State University....