2024-present (4 months)
Michael Klobuchar Email & Phone number
Michael Klobuchar Current Workplace
3929 Point Eden Way, Hayward, California, 94545, United States
Phone Number
(341) 777-0566
Number of Employees
Michael Klobuchar Work Experience Summary
Number of companies worked for
3Average duration at a company (years)
9Number of job titles
2About Michael Klobuchar
Mike Klobuchar serves as the chief strategy officer for Merck, leading the advancement and execution of the company’s strategy. He is also responsible for setting and executing the company's global business development strategies as well as leading the digital, data and IT infrastructure and cybersecurity strategies.
Prior to this role, Mike was senior vice president and finance lead for Merck Research Laboratories, the company’s research and development organization, and led the Global Portfolio and Alliance Management group within the organization.
Previously, Mike was senior vice president, Corporate Strategy and Financial Planning, focused on developing and implementing improvements to the company’s operating model. He was also president, Merck Global Health Innovation Fund, and led key elements related to the integration of Merck Research Laboratories with Schering-Plough R&D following the merger of the two companies.
Mike joined Merck Research Laboratories in 1998 and has heldRead more
Michael Klobuchar Current Workplace
Eikon Therapeutics
Eikon Therapeutics is a new biopharmaceutical company employing revolutionary technology at the interface of biology, engineering and chemistry to discover novel treatments for life-threatening diseases. Eikons discovery platform is built on groundbreaking innovations from its founders (Nobel Prize, 2014), culminating in the creation of microscopes which enable real time, molecular-resolution measurements of protein movement in living cells. By directly measuring the effects of chemical compounds on the behavior of protein molecules in a live cellular environment, Eikons landmark assays facilitate the highly sensitive identification of compound-protein interactions that could not be identified through traditional assays, thereby unlocking otherwise intractable classes of proteins as drug targets. Furthermore, the ability to directly visualize protein mechanisms in disease coupled with the extraordinarily high-powered high-content data sets generated by Eikons drug-screening technologySee more
Michael Klobuchar Work Experience & Education
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Michael Klobuchar
Mike Klobuchar serves as the chief strategy officer for Merck, leading the advancement and execution of the company’s strategy. He is also responsible for setting and executing the company's global business development strategies as well as leading the digital, data and IT infrastructure and cybersecurity strategies. Prior to this role, Mike was s...