Michael Kerney

Director, Risk Management at Olympic Insurance Agency

Michael Kerney Email & Phone number


(818) ***-****

Michael Kerney Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees


About Michael Kerney

Michael Kerney is a Director, Risk Management at Olympic Insurance Agency based in Simi Valley, California.

Michael Kerney Current Workplace

Olympic Insurance Agency

2006-present (19 years)

Olympic Insurance Agency is a family-owned and operated insurance broker with a rich history dating back to 1947, founded by Charles Jennings. The company specializes in providing customized insurance solutions, focusing on business insurance, workers' compensation, real estate insurance, and employee benefits. With a commitment to trust, reliability, and performance, Olympic Insurance serves a diverse range of commercial clients across the United States. Their reputation is built on unsurpassed customer service and a deep understanding of their clients' needs in the insurance landscape.

Org Chart - Olympic Insurance Agency

Michael Kerney

Director, Risk Management

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Michael Kerney

What company does Michael Kerney work for?
Michael Kerney works for Olympic Insurance Agency as Director, Risk Management
What is Michael Kerney’s role in Olympic Insurance Agency?
Michael Kerney’s role in Olympic Insurance Agency is Director, Risk Management
What is Michael Kerney’s email address?
Michael Kerney’s email address is m***@olympicinsurance.com
What is Michael Kerney’s business email address?
Michael Kerney’s business email address is m***@olympicinsurance.com
What is Michael Kerney’s direct phone number?
Michael Kerney’s direct phone number is (818) ***-****
What is Michael Kerney’s work phone number?
Michael Kerney’s headquarters phone number is (818) 843-4314
Which industry does Michael Kerney work in?
Michael Kerney works in the industry of Insurance.
Who are Michael Kerney’s peers at other companies?
Michael Kerney’s peers at other companies are Drewes Oosterhof, Joyce McGuire, Mallory Earley, Kim Aitken, Ashley Riley.
Who are Michael Kerney’s colleagues?
Some of Michael Kerney’s colleagues are Denise Young, Karen Hammer, Liliana Vasquez, Donald Barberie.
How can I contact Michael Kerney?
Michael Kerney contact details: Email address: m***@olympicinsurance.com Phone number: (818) ***-****
Who is Michael Kerney?

Michael Kerney is a Director, Risk Management at Olympic Insurance Agency based in Simi Valley, California....

Where is Michael Kerney based?
Michael Kerney works for Olympic Insurance Agency, located at United States