
Michael Glassenberg

President at Marvolus Manufacturing

Michael Glassenberg Email & Phone number


(773) ***-****

Michael Glassenberg Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

About Michael Glassenberg

Michael Glassenberg is a President at Marvolus Manufacturing based in Chicago, Illinois.

Michael Glassenberg Current Workplace

Marvolus Manufacturing

1988-present (37 years)

Marvolus specializes in providing high-quality wholesale retail display fixtures and supplies aimed at enhancing brands and retailer programs in-store. They offer a wide range of stock retail displays and custom capabilities, focusing on point-of-purchase solutions to engage shoppers and optimize space. Their services include design engineering, warehousing fulfillment, and supply-chain management. Marvolus is dedicated to client satisfaction, managing project complexities to ensure timely and cost-effective deliverables.

Org Chart - Marvolus Manufacturing

Michael Glassenberg


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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Michael Glassenberg

What company does Michael Glassenberg work for?
Michael Glassenberg works for Marvolus Manufacturing as President
What is Michael Glassenberg’s role in Marvolus Manufacturing?
Michael Glassenberg’s role in Marvolus Manufacturing is President
What is Michael Glassenberg’s email address?
Michael Glassenberg’s email address is m***@marvolus.com
What is Michael Glassenberg’s business email address?
Michael Glassenberg’s business email address is m***@marvolus.com
What is Michael Glassenberg’s direct phone number?
Michael Glassenberg’s direct phone number is (773) ***-****
What is Michael Glassenberg’s work phone number?
Michael Glassenberg’s headquarters phone number is (800) 236-0553
Which industry does Michael Glassenberg work in?
Michael Glassenberg works in the industry of Furniture, Manufacturing.
Who are Michael Glassenberg’s peers at other companies?
Michael Glassenberg’s peers at other companies are William Anderson, Michael Eckert, Harvey Hollingsworth, Jeremy McCutchen, Graham Irwin.
Who are Michael Glassenberg’s colleagues?
Some of Michael Glassenberg’s colleagues are Josh Astor, Miriam Dulin, Zachary Robinson, Sean Burlingame.
How can I contact Michael Glassenberg?
Michael Glassenberg contact details: Email address: m***@marvolus.com Phone number: (773) ***-****
Who is Michael Glassenberg?

Michael Glassenberg is a President at Marvolus Manufacturing based in Chicago, Illinois....

Where is Michael Glassenberg based?
Michael Glassenberg works for Marvolus Manufacturing, located at United States
Who is Marvolus Manufacturing’s President?
Marvolus Manufacturing's President is Michael Glassenberg