Michael Feltman

Strategic Engagement Chief at United States Air Force Academy

Michael Feltman Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Michael Feltman Current Workplace


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Number of Employees

Michael Feltman Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Michael Feltman

Michael Feltman is a Strategic Engagement Chief at U.S. Air Force based in Washington, District of Columbia. Previously, Michael was a Colonel at U.S. Air Force and also held positions at Air Force Reserve, Northwest Lions Foundation. Michael received a Master of Arts degree degree from National University of Singapore and a Executive Master of Business Administration degree from University of Washington.Explore more

Michael Feltman Current Workplace

United States Air Force Academy

2020-present (5 years)

The U.S. Air Force Academy Preparatory Schoolusually referred to as "the Prep School" or "The P School"was established in May 1961. The school's founder and first commander was Colonel Lee Charles Black. It is located on the campus of the United States Air Force Academy near the Community Center. The Prep School's mission is to prepare, motivate, and evaluate for admission to and success at the Air Force Academy. Students at the prep school are referred to as "cadet candidates" or more informally as "preppies." The prep school has a staff of 57 people and offers a 10-month program of intense academic preparation, military training, and athletic conditioning, designed to develop in cadet candidates the skills and character necessary to be successful at the academy. The academic curriculum is focused on mathematics, English, and sciences.

Michael Feltman Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience


U.S. Air Force


Member Board of Directors

American Red Cross Serving King & Kitsap Counties


Chief Executive Officer



Senior Director

Northwest Lions Foundation




Master of Arts degree

National University of Singapore

Air Force Reserve

Northwest Lions Foundation for Sight & Hearing

Executive Master of Business Administration degree

University of Washington
the United States Air Force Academy

Org Chart - United States Air Force Academy


Strategic Engagement Chief




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Recent News About Michael Feltman

Web References
Web References
  • news feed 1

    Lillian has served with distinction as Acting CEO in place of L. Michael Feltman , who is serving on active duty in the U.S. Air Force Reserve .
  • news feed 2

    Thogersen replaces Feltman as WACAP CEO As Chair of the Board of World Association for Children and Parents (WACAP), I am writing to inform you of th...
  • news feed 3

    WACAP - About WACAP - Staff

    In January 2005, the Board of Directors appointed her to serve as acting CEO during Michael Feltman's leave of absence. Eight of her nine children joi...

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Michael Feltman

What company does Michael Feltman work for?
Michael Feltman works for United States Air Force Academy as Strategic Engagement Chief
What is Michael Feltman’s role in United States Air Force Academy?
Michael Feltman’s role in United States Air Force Academy is Strategic Engagement Chief
What is Michael Feltman’s email address?
Michael Feltman’s email address is m***@us.af.mil
What is Michael Feltman’s business email address?
Michael Feltman’s business email address is m***@us.af.mil
What is Michael Feltman’s direct phone number?
Michael Feltman’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Michael Feltman’s work phone number?
Michael Feltman’s headquarters phone number is (719) 333-7731
What is Michael Feltman’s latest job experience?
Michael Feltman’s latest job experience is Colonel at U.S. Air Force
What is Michael Feltman’s latest education?
Michael Feltman’s latest education in Master of Arts degree at National University of Singapore
Which industry does Michael Feltman work in?
Michael Feltman works in the industry of Education General, Education.
Who are Michael Feltman’s peers at other companies?
Michael Feltman’s peers at other companies are Scott Kniep.
Who are Michael Feltman’s colleagues?
Some of Michael Feltman’s colleagues are Austin Troya, Elisa Montoya, Kelly Mccoy, Connor McNamara.
How can I contact Michael Feltman?
Michael Feltman contact details: Email address: m***@us.af.mil Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Michael Feltman?

Michael Feltman is a Strategic Engagement Chief at U.S. Air Force based in Washington, District of Columbia. Previously, Michael was a Colonel at U.S. Air Force and also held positions at Air Force Reserve, Northwest Lions Foundation. Michael received a Master of Arts degree degree from National University of Singapore and a Executive Master of B... usiness Administration degree from University of Washington.Read More

Where is Michael Feltman based?
Michael Feltman works for United States Air Force Academy, located at United States
See more information about Michael Feltman

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