
Michael Felberg

Chief Operating Officer & Chief Financial Officer at United Odd Fellow and Rebekah Home

Michael Felberg Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

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About Michael Felberg

Michael Felberg is the Chief Operating Officer & Chief Financial Officer at United Odd Fellow and Rebekah Home based in Bronx, New York.Explore more

Michael Felberg Current Workplace

Rebekah Rehab is proud to offer a compassionate and experienced team of physicians to provide medical care for our patients. We have created a model for rehabilitation, sub acute, post hospital and long term geriatric care that ensures ready access to a variety of physicians specially trained for the unique needs of our population. Our primary physicians have been selected because they have demonstrated interest and expertise in caring for persons with sub acute, post hospital, rehabilitation, and long term care needs. On average our doctors have over 15 years of clinical experience providing care in settings such as ours. Our physicians are board certified or board eligible and many have completed fellowship programs in geriatrics or other relevant medical specialties. They work closely with our specialists in the community or the hospital setting. Our physicians visit Rebekah Rehab on a regular schedule during the week; this maximizes interaction with staff, family members, and mostSee more

Org Chart - United Odd Fellow and Rebekah Home

Chief Operating Officer & Chief Fin...





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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Michael Felberg

What company does Michael Felberg work for?
Michael Felberg works for United Odd Fellow and Rebekah Home as Chief Operating Officer & Chief Financial Officer
What is Michael Felberg’s role in United Odd Fellow and Rebekah Home?
Michael Felberg’s role in United Odd Fellow and Rebekah Home is Chief Operating Officer & Chief Financial Officer
What is Michael Felberg’s email address?
Michael Felberg’s email address is m***@rebekahrehab.org
What is Michael Felberg’s business email address?
Michael Felberg’s business email address is m***@rebekahrehab.org
What is Michael Felberg’s direct phone number?
Michael Felberg’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Michael Felberg’s work phone number?
Michael Felberg’s headquarters phone number is (718) 863-6200
Which industry does Michael Felberg work in?
Michael Felberg works in the industry of Hospitals & Clinics, Healthcare.
Who are Michael Felberg’s peers at other companies?
Michael Felberg’s peers at other companies are Denis Freynet, Jay Leach, Joseph Kraichely, Michael Hanson.
Who are Michael Felberg’s colleagues?
Some of Michael Felberg’s colleagues are Dawn McCarroll, Jeffrey Duarte, Isaura Araujo, Roman Sotelo.
How can I contact Michael Felberg?
Michael Felberg contact details: Email address: m***@rebekahrehab.org Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Michael Felberg?

Michael Felberg is the Chief Operating Officer & Chief Financial Officer at United Odd Fellow and Rebekah Home based in Bronx, New York.... Read More

Where is Michael Felberg based?
Michael Felberg works for United Odd Fellow and Rebekah Home, located at United States
Who is United Odd Fellow and Rebekah Home’s Chief Operating Officer & Chief Financial Officer?
United Odd Fellow and Rebekah Home's Chief Operating Officer & Chief Financial Officer is Michael Felberg
See more information about Michael Felberg

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