
Michael DiVirgilio

Director at The International Union of Bricklayers

Michael DiVirgilio Email & Phone number

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(202) ***-****

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About Michael DiVirgilio

Michael DiVirgilio is a Director at The International Union of Bricklayers based in Washington, District of Columbia.Explore more

Michael DiVirgilio Current Workplace

The International Union of Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers (BAC) is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for its members by providing fair wages, benefits, and safe working conditions, while promoting solidarity within its workforce for over 155 years. The union collaborates with signatory contractors to ensure that highly skilled and well-trained workers are available in the masonry industry. BAC also offers extensive training and education programs, along with various member services and assistance programs. Their advocacy efforts address important issues affecting their members, reinforcing the union's commitment to labor rights and worker protection.

Org Chart - The International Union of Bricklayers






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Michael DiVirgilio

What company does Michael DiVirgilio work for?
Michael DiVirgilio works for The International Union of Bricklayers as Director
What is Michael DiVirgilio’s role in The International Union of Bricklayers?
Michael DiVirgilio’s role in The International Union of Bricklayers is Director
What is Michael DiVirgilio’s email address?
Michael DiVirgilio’s email address is m***@bacweb.org
What is Michael DiVirgilio’s business email address?
Michael DiVirgilio’s business email address is m***@bacweb.org
What is Michael DiVirgilio’s direct phone number?
Michael DiVirgilio’s direct phone number is (202) ***-****
What is Michael DiVirgilio’s work phone number?
Michael DiVirgilio’s headquarters phone number is (202) 783-3788
Which industry does Michael DiVirgilio work in?
Michael DiVirgilio works in the industry of Membership Organizations, Organizations.
Who are Michael DiVirgilio’s peers at other companies?
Michael DiVirgilio’s peers at other companies are Adam Elliott, Amara Moinina, Haviv Aviad, Elizabeth Biscaye, Gloria Melendez.
Who are Michael DiVirgilio’s colleagues?
Some of Michael DiVirgilio’s colleagues are Pradip Shrestha, Tiffany Porter, Roderick Mason, Ryan Suphak.
How can I contact Michael DiVirgilio?
Michael DiVirgilio contact details: Email address: m***@bacweb.org Phone number: (202) ***-****
Who is Michael DiVirgilio?

Michael DiVirgilio is a Director at The International Union of Bricklayers based in Washington, District of Columbia.... Read More

Where is Michael DiVirgilio based?
Michael DiVirgilio works for The International Union of Bricklayers, located at United States
See more information about Michael DiVirgilio

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