Michael Curran

Captain 787 International and Domestic at American Airlines

Michael Curran Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Michael Curran Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Michael Curran Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles


About Michael Curran

Michael Curran is a Captain 787 International and Domestic at American Airlines based in Fort Worth, Texas. Previously, Michael was a Captain B757 and 767 International at American Airlines. Michael received a Associate of Arts degree from Cypress College/ Cal State Long Beach.

Michael Curran Current Workplace

American Airlines

2016-present (9 years)

American Airlines Group Inc., through its subsidiaries, operates as a network air carrier. It provides scheduled air transportation services for passengers and cargo. As of December 31, 2016, the company operated a mainline fleet of 930 aircraft. It serves 350 destinations in approximately 50 countries, principally from its hubs in Charlotte, Chicago, Dallas/Fort Worth, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, Philadelphia, and Phoenix, as well as in Washington, D.C. The company was formerly known as AMR Corporation and changed its name to American Airlines Group Inc. in December 2013. American Airlines Group Inc. was founded in 1934 and is headquartered in Fort Worth.

Michael Curran Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Captain B757 and 767 International and Domestic

American Airlines


Captain MD DC9, Captain 737-800

American Airlines


Captain B757 and 767 International

American Airlines




Associate of Arts - Aeronautics

Cypress College/ Cal State Long Beach

Org Chart - American Airlines

Michael Curran

Captain 787 International and Domes...

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Interest in Michael Curran's Company

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Michael Curran

What company does Michael Curran work for?
Michael Curran works for American Airlines as Captain 787 International and Domestic
What is Michael Curran’s role in American Airlines?
Michael Curran’s role in American Airlines is Captain 787 International and Domestic
What is Michael Curran’s email address?
Michael Curran’s email address is m***@usairways.com
What is Michael Curran’s business email address?
Michael Curran’s business email address is m***@usairways.com
What is Michael Curran’s direct phone number?
Michael Curran’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Michael Curran’s work phone number?
Michael Curran’s headquarters phone number is (682) 278-9000
What is Michael Curran’s latest job experience?
Michael Curran’s latest job experience is Captain B757 and 767 International and Domestic at American Airlines
What is Michael Curran’s latest education?
Michael Curran’s latest education in Associate of Arts - Aeronautics at Cypress College/ Cal State Long Beach
Which industry does Michael Curran work in?
Michael Curran works in the industry of Airlines, Airports & Air Services, Transportation.
Who are Michael Curran’s colleagues?
Some of Michael Curran’s colleagues are Christopher Harger, Kay Hundley, Dale Jordan, Claudia Diaz.
How can I contact Michael Curran?
Michael Curran contact details: Email address: m***@usairways.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Michael Curran?

Michael Curran is a Captain 787 International and Domestic at American Airlines based in Fort Worth, Texas. Previously, Michael was a Captain B757 and 767 International at American Airlines. Michael received a Associate of Arts degree from Cypress College/ Cal State Long Beach....

Where is Michael Curran based?
Michael Curran works for American Airlines, located at United States