Michael Cassidy

Welder at Buchanan Marine

Michael Cassidy Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Michael Cassidy Current Workplace


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Michael Cassidy Work Experience Summary

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About Michael Cassidy

Michael Cassidy is a welder at Buchanan Marine. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from the College of Mount Saint Vincent. With his expertise and dedication, Cassidy is responsible for ensuring the quality and safety of the company's marine operations.Explore more

Michael Cassidy Current Workplace

Buchanan Marine

2011-present (14 years)

Buchanan Marine, LP operates a 24/7/365 fleet of 3 tugs and approximately 100 barges, in an environmentally friendly, dependable and safe manner effectively using technology and industry best practices, in full compliance with relevant federal, state and local laws and regulations, in near coastal and inland waterways in the New York metropolitan area, Hudson River, and Long Island Sound to transport and deliver cargo, primarily aggregate, to customers. Buchanan Marine, LP is operated upon the principles of competent crews, safety, equipment readiness, compliance, responsible environmental stewardship, and customer service. Commitment to boat crews and customers is central to performance and business practices. Proper management and professionalism by Buchanan Marine, LP employees' are the team approach to achieve the goal of providing the best and safest towing service possible in the marine industry.

Michael Cassidy Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles



Bachelor of Arts - Sociology

College of Mount Saint Vincent

Org Chart - Buchanan Marine






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Michael Cassidy

What company does Michael Cassidy work for?
Michael Cassidy works for Buchanan Marine as Welder
What is Michael Cassidy’s role in Buchanan Marine?
Michael Cassidy’s role in Buchanan Marine is Welder
What is Michael Cassidy’s email address?
Michael Cassidy’s email address is m***@buchananmarinelp.com
What is Michael Cassidy’s business email address?
Michael Cassidy’s business email address is m***@buchananmarinelp.com
What is Michael Cassidy’s direct phone number?
Michael Cassidy’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Michael Cassidy’s work phone number?
Michael Cassidy’s headquarters phone number is (203) 466-0484
What is Michael Cassidy’s latest education?
Michael Cassidy’s latest education in Bachelor of Arts - Sociology at College of Mount Saint Vincent
Which industry does Michael Cassidy work in?
Michael Cassidy works in the industry of Marine Shipping & Transportation, Transportation.
Who are Michael Cassidy’s peers at other companies?
Michael Cassidy’s peers at other companies are Sagar Shilimkar, Brandon Richards, David Stinson, Alireza Shakhesi, Ryan Sovick.
Who are Michael Cassidy’s colleagues?
Some of Michael Cassidy’s colleagues are Steven Warden, Christopher Mantlick, Joseph Lo Piccolo, Kevin Harnois.
How can I contact Michael Cassidy?
Michael Cassidy contact details: Email address: m***@buchananmarinelp.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Michael Cassidy?

Michael Cassidy is a welder at Buchanan Marine. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from the College of Mount Saint Vincent. With his expertise and dedication, Cassidy is responsible for ensuring the quality and safety of the company's marine operations.... Read More

Where is Michael Cassidy based?
Michael Cassidy works for Buchanan Marine, located at United States
See more information about Michael Cassidy

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