
Michael Broz

Vice President, Legal at Hain Celestial

Michael Broz Email & Phone number

Engage via Phone

(516) ***-****

Michael Broz Current Workplace


Phone Number

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Michael Broz Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Michael Broz

Michael Broz is an experienced and practical legal advisor and business partner, known for their strategic litigation and compliance expertise, as well as their ability to design and implement ESG/sustainability programs and foster a strong organizational culture. As the Vice President, Legal at The Hain Celestial Group, they are responsible for overseeing the company's legal affairs, ensuring compliance with applicable laws and regulations, and providing strategic counsel to the executive team. Prior to this role, they served as the Compliance Associate General Counsel, Litigation at The Hain Celestial Group, where they were in charge of managing complex litigation matters and developing robust compliance programs.Broz holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Maryland and is a member of the New York Bar. They are recognized for their ability to solve problems effectively and their commitment to driving positive change within the organizations they serve.Explore more

Michael Broz Current Workplace

Hain Celestial

2021-present (4 years)

Hain Celestial Group is a leading health and wellness company whose purpose is to inspire healthier living for people, communities and the planet through better-for-you brands. For more than 30 years, Hain has intentionally focused on delivering nutrition and well-being that positively impacts today and tomorrow. Headquartered in Hoboken, N.J., Hain Celestial's products across snacks, baby/kids, beverages, meal preparation, and personal care, are marketed and sold in over 70 countries around the world. Our leading brands include Garden Veggie Snacks, Terra® chips, Garden of Eatin'® snacks, Hartleys® Jelly, Earth's Best® and Ella's Kitchen® baby and kids foods, Celestial Seasonings® teas, Joya® and Natumi® plant-based beverages, Greek Gods® yogurt, Cully & Sully®, Yorkshire Provender®, New Covent Garden® and Imagine® soups, Yves® and Linda McCartney's® (under license) meat-free, and Avalon Organics® personal care, among others.

Michael Broz Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Compliance Associate General Counsel, Litigation

Hain Celestial


Senior Associate

Seward & Kissel


Summer Associate

Seward & Kissel




Bachelor of Arts - Government and Politics

University of Maryland

Doctor of Jurisprudence - Law

Fordham University School of Law

Org Chart - Hain Celestial


Vice President, Legal




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Michael Broz

What company does Michael Broz work for?
Michael Broz works for Hain Celestial as Vice President, Legal
What is Michael Broz’s role in Hain Celestial?
Michael Broz’s role in Hain Celestial is Vice President, Legal
What is Michael Broz’s email address?
Michael Broz’s email address is m***@hain.com
What is Michael Broz’s business email address?
Michael Broz’s business email address is m***@hain.com
What is Michael Broz’s direct phone number?
Michael Broz’s direct phone number is (516) ***-****
What is Michael Broz’s work phone number?
Michael Broz’s headquarters phone number is (516) 587-5000
What is Michael Broz’s latest job experience?
Michael Broz’s latest job experience is Compliance Associate General Counsel, Litigation at Hain Celestial
What is Michael Broz’s latest education?
Michael Broz’s latest education in Bachelor of Arts - Government and Politics at University of Maryland
Who are Michael Broz’s peers at other companies?
Michael Broz’s peers at other companies are Andy Kuok Jin, Mayur Godbole, Sanjayu Nair, Ijeoma Uzuana, Ronit Barzilay.
Who are Michael Broz’s colleagues?
Some of Michael Broz’s colleagues are Jennifor Neeson, Aaron Rau, Roger Lee-Emery, Eric Wallace.
How can I contact Michael Broz?
Michael Broz contact details: Email address: m***@hain.com Phone number: (516) ***-****
Who is Michael Broz?

Michael Broz is an experienced and practical legal advisor and business partner, known for their strategic litigation and compliance expertise, as well as their ability to design and implement ESG/sustainability programs and foster a strong organizational culture. As the Vice President, Legal at The Hain Celestial Group, they are responsible for ov... erseeing the company's legal affairs, ensuring compliance with applicable laws and regulations, and providing strategic counsel to the executive team. Prior to this role, they served as the Compliance Associate General Counsel, Litigation at The Hain Celestial Group, where they were in charge of managing complex litigation matters and developing robust compliance programs.Broz holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Maryland and is a member of the New York Bar. They are recognized for their ability to solve problems effectively and their commitment to driving positive change within the organizations they serve.Read More

Where is Michael Broz based?
Michael Broz works for Hain Celestial, located at United States
See more information about Michael Broz

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