
Michael Ajemian

Director, Sales Retail (US) at Barilla

Michael Ajemian Email & Phone number


(847) ***-****

Michael Ajemian Current Workplace




Phone Number

Number of Employees

About Michael Ajemian

Michael Ajemian is a Director, Sales Retail (US) at Barilla based in Parma, Emilia-Romagna.

Michael Ajemian Current Workplace


2010-present (14 years)

Founded in 1877, Barilla is a provider of pasta and tomato sauce products. Barilla America is headquartered in Northbrook, Illinois.

Org Chart - Barilla

Michael Ajemian

Director, Sales Retail (US)

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Michael Ajemian

What company does Michael Ajemian work for?
Michael Ajemian works for Barilla as Director, Sales Retail (US)
What is Michael Ajemian’s role in Barilla?
Michael Ajemian’s role in Barilla is Director, Sales Retail (US)
What is Michael Ajemian’s email address?
Michael Ajemian’s email address is m***@barilla.com
What is Michael Ajemian’s business email address?
Michael Ajemian’s business email address is m***@barilla.com
What is Michael Ajemian’s direct phone number?
Michael Ajemian’s direct phone number is (847) ***-****
What is Michael Ajemian’s work phone number?
Michael Ajemian’s headquarters phone number is +39 5212621
Which industry does Michael Ajemian work in?
Michael Ajemian works in the industry of Food, Beverages & Tobacco, Manufacturing.
Who are Michael Ajemian’s colleagues?
Some of Michael Ajemian’s colleagues are Tammy Free, Keith Fisher, Maurice Emery, Bill Aaker.
How can I contact Michael Ajemian?
Michael Ajemian contact details: Email address: m***@barilla.com Phone number: (847) ***-****
Who is Michael Ajemian?

Michael Ajemian is a Director, Sales Retail (US) at Barilla based in Parma, Emilia-Romagna....

Where is Michael Ajemian based?
Michael Ajemian works for Barilla, located at Italy