Melyssa Melyssav

Insurance Agent at Farmers Insurance

Melyssa Melyssav Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Melyssa Melyssav Current Workplace


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About Melyssa Melyssav

Melyssa Melyssav is an Insurance Agent at Farmers Insurance based in Woodland Hills, California.

Melyssa Melyssav Current Workplace

Farmers Insurance

1900-present (125 years)

The companies comprising the Farmers Insurance Group of Companies® currently make up one of the country's largest insurers of vehicles, homes and small businesses, and provide a wide range of other specialty insurance and financial services products. In business since 1928, today at Farmers® we proudly serve more than 10 million households with more than 20 million individual insurance policies across all 50 states through the efforts of nearly 50,000 exclusive and independent agents and nearly 24,000 employees. Our experience provides a rich history and legacy of service and strong customer relationships, while our focus on smart innovation, technology and entrepreneurship helps us to stay creative, to continually improve our product offerings and to drive the evolution of the insurance industry. At Farmers®, we understand that every encounter with customers is an opportunity to differentiate ourselves with our personalized service and have an overall positive impact on their lives. WSee more

Org Chart - Farmers Insurance

Melyssa Melyssav

Insurance Agent

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Melyssa Melyssav

What company does Melyssa Melyssav work for?
Melyssa Melyssav works for Farmers Insurance as Insurance Agent
What is Melyssa Melyssav’s role in Farmers Insurance?
Melyssa Melyssav’s role in Farmers Insurance is Insurance Agent
What is Melyssa Melyssav’s email address?
Melyssa Melyssav’s email address is m***
What is Melyssa Melyssav’s business email address?
Melyssa Melyssav’s business email address is m***
What is Melyssa Melyssav’s direct phone number?
Melyssa Melyssav’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Melyssa Melyssav’s work phone number?
Melyssa Melyssav’s headquarters phone number is (800) 493-4917
Which industry does Melyssa Melyssav work in?
Melyssa Melyssav works in the industry of Insurance.
Who are Melyssa Melyssav’s peers at other companies?
Melyssa Melyssav’s peers at other companies are Christina Sullentrup, Ovie Weinmann, David Gonzalez, Lawrence Stone, Gary Burlingame.
Who are Melyssa Melyssav’s colleagues?
Some of Melyssa Melyssav’s colleagues are Thomas Doughty, Kimberley Dobson, Regina Rosario, Gayle Archer.
How can I contact Melyssa Melyssav?
Melyssa Melyssav contact details: Email address: m*** Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Melyssa Melyssav?

Melyssa Melyssav is an Insurance Agent at Farmers Insurance based in Woodland Hills, California....

Where is Melyssa Melyssav based?
Melyssa Melyssav works for Farmers Insurance, located at United States