
Melissa Springer

Attorney at Cors & Bassett

Melissa Springer Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Melissa Springer Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Melissa Springer Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Melissa Springer

Melissa Springer is an Attorney at Cors & Bassett based in Cincinnati, Ohio. Previously, Melissa was an Attorney at Kohnen & Patton Law and also held positions at Ulmer & Berne, Graf Coyne Co., Lpa, Montgomery , Rennie & Jonson, LexisNexis, Procter & Gamble, University of Cincinnati, Western & Southern Financial Group. Melissa received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Centre College and a Doctor of Jurisprudence from University of Cincinnati College of Law.

Melissa Springer Current Workplace

Cors & Bassett

2024-present (6 months)

Cors & Bassett has a long, rich history that spans many decades. The firm has been a member of the business community since 1929. The name and location may have changed, but the quality and pride of work remains the same. The firm has grown over the years to service a diverse group of industries, individuals and businesses in nearly every legal and counseling capacity. Today the firm has two locations, one in downtown Cincinnati and one in Northern Kentucky, with over thirty attorneys dedicated to clients. Cors & Bassett enjoys it's uniqueness of size; small enough to truly be a team and big enough to offer clients full legal services. Voted One of America's Greatest Places to Work with a Law Degree, the firm strives to cultivate an integrated working environment through many professional and social events. To submit a resume, contact David J. Schmitt, recruiting member.

Melissa Springer Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience


Kohnen & Patton Law


Associate Attorney

Ulmer & Berne



Kohnen & Patton Law



Graf Coyne Co., Lpa




Bachelor of Arts

Centre College

Doctor of Jurisprudence

University of Cincinnati College of Law

Org Chart - Cors & Bassett

Melissa Springer


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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Melissa Springer

What company does Melissa Springer work for?
Melissa Springer works for Cors & Bassett as Attorney
What is Melissa Springer’s role in Cors & Bassett?
Melissa Springer’s role in Cors & Bassett is Attorney
What is Melissa Springer’s email address?
Melissa Springer’s email address is m***@corsbassett.com
What is Melissa Springer’s business email address?
Melissa Springer’s business email address is m***@corsbassett.com
What is Melissa Springer’s direct phone number?
Melissa Springer’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Melissa Springer’s work phone number?
Melissa Springer’s headquarters phone number is (513) 852-8200
What is Melissa Springer’s latest job experience?
Melissa Springer’s latest job experience is Attorney at Kohnen & Patton Law
What is Melissa Springer’s latest education?
Melissa Springer’s latest education in Bachelor of Arts at Centre College
Which industry does Melissa Springer work in?
Melissa Springer works in the industry of Law Firms & Legal Services.
Who are Melissa Springer’s peers at other companies?
Melissa Springer’s peers at other companies are David Morantz, Chamoya Cameron, Marc Isaacson, Camille Guerra, Patricia Kryder.
Who are Melissa Springer’s colleagues?
Some of Melissa Springer’s colleagues are Susan Bell, David Bowling, Kathy Cain, Barbara Applegarth.
How can I contact Melissa Springer?
Melissa Springer contact details: Email address: m***@corsbassett.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Melissa Springer?

Melissa Springer is an Attorney at Cors & Bassett based in Cincinnati, Ohio. Previously, Melissa was an Attorney at Kohnen & Patton Law and also held positions at Ulmer & Berne, Graf Coyne Co., Lpa, Montgomery , Rennie & Jonson, LexisNexis, Procter & Gamble, University of Cincinnati, Western & Southern Financial Group. Melissa received a Bachelor... of Arts degree from Centre College and a Doctor of Jurisprudence from University of Cincinnati College of Law.

Where is Melissa Springer based?
Melissa Springer works for Cors & Bassett, located at United States