Melissa Rodriguez

Legal Secretary at Kantrovitz & Kantrovitz

Melissa Rodriguez Email & Phone number

Engage via Phone

(617) ***-****

Melissa Rodriguez Current Workplace


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Melissa Rodriguez Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


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About Melissa Rodriguez

Melissa Rodriguez is a Legal Secretary at Kantrovitz & Kantrovitz based in Southborough, Massachusetts. Previously, Melissa was an Administrative Assistant at New York Ophthalmology and also held positions at Children's International Pediatrics.Explore more

Melissa Rodriguez Current Workplace

Kantrovitz & Kantrovitz

2016-present (9 years)

Kantrovitz & Kantrovitz, LLC is proud to have represented the injured citizens of our commonwealth for over 30 years. Attorney Michael Kantrovitz continues to dedicate the practice to its founding principles of compassion and a relentless determination to maximize the recovery of all firm clients. Each case handled by Kantrovitz & Kantrovitz receives the undivided attention of our law firm. One of the cornerstones of the practice is our frequent communication with clients. We strongly believe that such interaction is necessary to obtain the best results. If you had an accident or suffered injury at work, or became ill as a result of a condition in the workplace, you are entitled to monetary compensation and medical benefits. General liability claims result when someone is injured due to the negligence by another person or company, whether it is work-related or not. We help you get paid for your injuries on the job. As with any area of law, workers compensation can be complex, particulaSee more

Melissa Rodriguez Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Administrative Assistant

New York Ophthalmology


Org Chart - Kantrovitz & Kantrovitz


Legal Secretary




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Melissa Rodriguez

What company does Melissa Rodriguez work for?
Melissa Rodriguez works for Kantrovitz & Kantrovitz as Legal Secretary
What is Melissa Rodriguez’s role in Kantrovitz & Kantrovitz?
Melissa Rodriguez’s role in Kantrovitz & Kantrovitz is Legal Secretary
What is Melissa Rodriguez’s email address?
Melissa Rodriguez’s email address is m***@martinkantrovitz.com
What is Melissa Rodriguez’s business email address?
Melissa Rodriguez’s business email address is m***@martinkantrovitz.com
What is Melissa Rodriguez’s direct phone number?
Melissa Rodriguez’s direct phone number is (617) ***-****
What is Melissa Rodriguez’s work phone number?
Melissa Rodriguez’s headquarters phone number is (508) 485-6600
What is Melissa Rodriguez’s latest job experience?
Melissa Rodriguez’s latest job experience is Administrative Assistant at New York Ophthalmology
Which industry does Melissa Rodriguez work in?
Melissa Rodriguez works in the industry of Law Firms & Legal Services.
Who are Melissa Rodriguez’s peers at other companies?
Melissa Rodriguez’s peers at other companies are Marcia Hommel, Cabrea Parker, Stephanie Herndon, Vicki Simpson, Sharon Wester.
Who are Melissa Rodriguez’s colleagues?
Some of Melissa Rodriguez’s colleagues are Lucia Solorzano, Gabriel Kantrovitz, Michael Kantrovitz, Melissa McGee.
How can I contact Melissa Rodriguez?
Melissa Rodriguez contact details: Email address: m***@martinkantrovitz.com Phone number: (617) ***-****
Who is Melissa Rodriguez?

Melissa Rodriguez is a Legal Secretary at Kantrovitz & Kantrovitz based in Southborough, Massachusetts. Previously, Melissa was an Administrative Assistant at New York Ophthalmology and also held positions at Children's International Pediatrics.... Read More

Where is Melissa Rodriguez based?
Melissa Rodriguez works for Kantrovitz & Kantrovitz, located at United States
See more information about Melissa Rodriguez

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