Melissa Foster

Vice President, Head of Enrollment at Prudential

Melissa Foster Email & Phone number

Engage via Phone

(215) ***-****

Melissa Foster Current Workplace




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Melissa Foster Work Experience Summary

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About Melissa Foster

Melissa Foster is a Vice President, Head of Enrollment at Prudential based in Newark, New Jersey. Previously, Melissa was a Director, Enrollment Solutions at Prudential and also held positions at Pennridge School District.Explore more

Melissa Foster Current Workplace


2024-present (6 months)

Prudential Financial, Inc., together with its subsidiaries, provides insurance, investment management, and other financial products and services in the United States and internationally. It operates through PGIM, Retirement Strategies, Group Insurance, Individual Life, and International Businesses segments. The PGIM segment offers investment management services and solutions related to public fixed income, public equity, real estate debt and equity, private credit and other alternatives, and multi-asset class strategies to institutional and retail clients, as well as its general account. The Retirement Strategies segment provides a range of retirement investment, and income products and services to retirement plan sponsors in the public, private, and not-for-profit sectors; develops and distributes individual variable and fixed annuity products. The Group Insurance segment offers various group life, and long-term and short-term group disability, as well as group corporate-, bank-, andSee more

Melissa Foster Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Director, Enrollment Solutions



Director, Platform Relationships



Manager, Platform Integration



Enrollment Manager



Org Chart - Prudential


Vice President, Head of Enrollment




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Melissa Foster

What company does Melissa Foster work for?
Melissa Foster works for Prudential as Vice President, Head of Enrollment
What is Melissa Foster’s role in Prudential?
Melissa Foster’s role in Prudential is Vice President, Head of Enrollment
What is Melissa Foster’s email address?
Melissa Foster’s email address is m***@prudential.com
What is Melissa Foster’s business email address?
Melissa Foster’s business email address is m***@prudential.com
What is Melissa Foster’s direct phone number?
Melissa Foster’s direct phone number is (215) ***-****
What is Melissa Foster’s work phone number?
Melissa Foster’s headquarters phone number is (973) 802-6000
What is Melissa Foster’s latest job experience?
Melissa Foster’s latest job experience is Director, Enrollment Solutions at Prudential
Which industry does Melissa Foster work in?
Melissa Foster works in the industry of Insurance.
Who are Melissa Foster’s colleagues?
Some of Melissa Foster’s colleagues are Leonard Doyle, Anthony Karcich, Will Truesdale, Lisa Digirolamo.
How can I contact Melissa Foster?
Melissa Foster contact details: Email address: m***@prudential.com Phone number: (215) ***-****
Who is Melissa Foster?

Melissa Foster is a Vice President, Head of Enrollment at Prudential based in Newark, New Jersey. Previously, Melissa was a Director, Enrollment Solutions at Prudential and also held positions at Pennridge School District.... Read More

Where is Melissa Foster based?
Melissa Foster works for Prudential, located at United States
See more information about Melissa Foster

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