Mei Chua

Optometrist at Pearl's Optical

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(***) ***-****

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Mei Chua Work Experience Summary

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About Mei Chua

Mei Chua is an accomplished optometrist based in Singapore, currently serving as an Optometrist at Pearl's Optical. In their current role, they are responsible for providing comprehensive eye examinations, prescribing corrective lenses, and offering personalized vision care solutions to clients.Prior to their position at Pearl's Optical, Mei spent time with Kintan, where they demonstrated their strong customer service skills as a Restaurant Waitress. Mei's deep interest in science, particularly the functioning of the human body, has been a driving force in their professional journey.Mei was the recipient of the Edusave Scholarship in 2020, a testament to their academic excellence and commitment to continuous learning. With a passion for helping others achieve optimal visual health, Mei's expertise and dedication make them a valuable asset to the Pearl's Optical team.Explore more

Mei Chua Current Workplace

Pearl's Optical

2024-present (11 months)

Mr Koh Wan Nee is the founder of the Pearls Optical Co Pte Ltd. He is an optician with 50 over years of experience. He started selling sunglasses in the back lane of Jalan Berseh when he was a teenager. And from this humble beginning, he started the company in 1975 when he bought a shop unit in Peoples Park Center. He also obtained his full registration from (Optician, with Dispensing and Refraction) Ministry of Health when the profession was regulated in 2008. Mr Koh Wan Nee, founder of Pearls Optical Co. Pte Ltd Today, Pearls Optical has grown from 1 shop to 4 shop units in Peoples Park Center. With the help of his son, Dr Koh Liang Hwee (BSc Hons, Optometry (UK), PhD (UK), an optometrist, Pearls Optical has transformed from an optical retail shop to a fully equipped optometric practice . It is a fully equipped optometric practice in Singapore and all its clients will be screened for common ocular diseases when the optometrists examine the eyes for spectacles and contact lenses.

Mei Chua Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience


Singapore Eye & Vision


Optometrist Assistant

Pearl's Optical


Restaurant Waitress



Retail Salesperson

Pacific Bookstores


Org Chart - Pearl's Optical






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Mei Chua

What company does Mei Chua work for?
Mei Chua works for Pearl's Optical as Optometrist
What is Mei Chua’s role in Pearl's Optical?
Mei Chua’s role in Pearl's Optical is Optometrist
What is Mei Chua’s direct phone number?
Mei Chua’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Mei Chua’s work phone number?
Mei Chua’s headquarters phone number is +65 65325110
What is Mei Chua’s latest job experience?
Mei Chua’s latest job experience is Optometrist at Singapore Eye & Vision
Which industry does Mei Chua work in?
Mei Chua works in the industry of Flowers, Gifts & Specialty Stores, Retail.
Who are Mei Chua’s peers at other companies?
Mei Chua’s peers at other companies are Sowmya Raghavan, Stephanie Battista, Soumyajit Jana, Steven Warstadt, Geethu Andrew.
Who are Mei Chua’s colleagues?
Some of Mei Chua’s colleagues are Sarah Ng.
Who is Mei Chua?

Mei Chua is an accomplished optometrist based in Singapore, currently serving as an Optometrist at Pearl's Optical. In their current role, they are responsible for providing comprehensive eye examinations, prescribing corrective lenses, and offering personalized vision care solutions to clients.Prior to their position at Pearl's Optical, Mei spent... time with Kintan, where they demonstrated their strong customer service skills as a Restaurant Waitress. Mei's deep interest in science, particularly the functioning of the human body, has been a driving force in their professional journey.Mei was the recipient of the Edusave Scholarship in 2020, a testament to their academic excellence and commitment to continuous learning. With a passion for helping others achieve optimal visual health, Mei's expertise and dedication make them a valuable asset to the Pearl's Optical team.Read More

Where is Mei Chua based?
Mei Chua works for Pearl's Optical, located at Singapore
See more information about Mei Chua

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