Mehmet Yanc

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Mehmet Yanc Work Experience Summary

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About Mehmet Yanc

Mehmet Yanc works at Sefine Shipyard, which is a Boats & Submarines company with an estimated 3,283 employees. They used to work at HAT-SAN Shipyard. Found email listings include: m*** more

Mehmet Yanc Current Workplace

Sefine Shipyard

2023-present (2 years)

It is located in Yalova, Türkiye. Purpose-built on 140.000 sqm, Sefine Shipyard comprises a range of splendid facilities including a full service on-site Design Office and well-equipped with highest technology Indoor Halls and Workshops, also experienced and dynamic engineers staff, skilled and qualified subcontractors portfolio to occupy for new ship building, ship repair, docking and conversion. Throughout dealings with our yard, our customers can be confident of robust investment of our main partner, KOLIN Construction, Tourism Industry & Training Co. Inc.

Mehmet Yanc Work Experience & Education

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Mehmet Yanc

What is Mehmet Yanc’s direct phone number?
Mehmet Yanc’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Mehmet Yanc’s work phone number?
Mehmet Yanc’s headquarters phone number is +90 2268153636
Which industry does Mehmet Yanc work in?
Mehmet Yanc works in the industry of Boats & Submarines, Manufacturing.
Who are Mehmet Yanc’s colleagues?
Some of Mehmet Yanc’s colleagues are Osman Başkan, Hikmet Dinçer, Hamdi Sak, Emirhan Hakkı.
Where is Mehmet Yanc based?
Mehmet Yanc works for Sefine Shipyard, located at Turkey
See more information about Mehmet Yanc

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