
Megan Roman

Director at Comprendo Language Services

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(***) ***-****

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About Megan Roman

Megan Roman is a Director at Comprendo Language Services based in Stoughton, Wisconsin.Explore more

Megan Roman Current Workplace

Comprendo Language Services

2023-present (2 years)

Comprendo Language Services specializes in language training for children and adults. We offer Spanish classes for occupational and personal enrichment. We are committed to helping you reach your professional and personal goals. Our instructors are highly-qualified professionals with extensive experience teaching Spanish for a wide variety of audiences including physicians, human resources personnel, production floor managers, social workers, educators, individuals, etc. Comprendo focuses and structures learning around the students needs and goals. You will start speaking from the first class with our communicative and interactive teaching techniques. Your goals will be easier to meet because we use learning materials specifically related to your area of interest. You avoid the boredom and frustration associated with verb or grammar drills because we focus on the real-life skills you need in order to communicate. Our classes are fun and engaging. You will be better able to succeed in ySee more

Org Chart - Comprendo Language Services






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Megan Roman

What company does Megan Roman work for?
Megan Roman works for Comprendo Language Services as Director
What is Megan Roman’s role in Comprendo Language Services?
Megan Roman’s role in Comprendo Language Services is Director
What is Megan Roman’s email address?
Megan Roman’s email address is r***@comprendospanish.com
What is Megan Roman’s business email address?
Megan Roman’s business email address is r***@comprendospanish.com
What is Megan Roman’s direct phone number?
Megan Roman’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Megan Roman’s work phone number?
Megan Roman’s headquarters phone number is (608) 446-3313
Which industry does Megan Roman work in?
Megan Roman works in the industry of Education General, Education.
Who are Megan Roman’s peers at other companies?
Megan Roman’s peers at other companies are Stuart Wecker, Gwen Nolan, Andrea Johnson, Michael Lynch, Patricia Hutchison.
How can I contact Megan Roman?
Megan Roman contact details: Email address: r***@comprendospanish.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Megan Roman?

Megan Roman is a Director at Comprendo Language Services based in Stoughton, Wisconsin.... Read More

Where is Megan Roman based?
Megan Roman works for Comprendo Language Services, located at United States
See more information about Megan Roman

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