
Maxence Hetu

Sales Manager at Volkswagen Des Sources

Maxence Hetu Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Maxence Hetu Current Workplace


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Maxence Hetu Work Experience Summary

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About Maxence Hetu

Maxence Hetu is a Sales Manager at Volkswagen Des Sources based in Dorval, Quebec. Previously, Maxence was a Gestionnaire De Concession at Automobile En Direct.com and also held positions at ALBI le Géant.Explore more

Maxence Hetu Current Workplace

Volkswagen Des Sources

2021-present (4 years)

Volkswagen Des Sources, a proud member of the Dilawri Group of Companies, the largest automotive group in Canada, has been serving the Montreal community since 2000. Our commitment to customer service has earned us the Wolfsburg Crest Club award five consecutive years from 2006-2010. This award is given to Volkswagen dealers who surpass expectations in areas such as customer satisfaction, new vehicle sales, certified pre-owned sales, parts sales and service excellence. Our brand new state of the art facility allows us the opportunity to serve you conveniently while using the latest technology for your vehicle. Let us help you discover your new vehicle in one of our two showrooms, including our exclusive 160 car lower level showroom.

Maxence Hetu Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Gestionnaire De Concession

Automobile En Direct.com


Directeur Générale Des Ventes

ALBI le Géant


Org Chart - Volkswagen Des Sources


Sales Manager




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Maxence Hetu

What company does Maxence Hetu work for?
Maxence Hetu works for Volkswagen Des Sources as Sales Manager
What is Maxence Hetu’s role in Volkswagen Des Sources?
Maxence Hetu’s role in Volkswagen Des Sources is Sales Manager
What is Maxence Hetu’s email address?
Maxence Hetu’s email address is m***@volkswagendessources.ca
What is Maxence Hetu’s business email address?
Maxence Hetu’s business email address is m***@volkswagendessources.ca
What is Maxence Hetu’s direct phone number?
Maxence Hetu’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Maxence Hetu’s work phone number?
Maxence Hetu’s headquarters phone number is (514) 683-2030
What is Maxence Hetu’s latest job experience?
Maxence Hetu’s latest job experience is Gestionnaire De Concession at Automobile En Direct.com
Which industry does Maxence Hetu work in?
Maxence Hetu works in the industry of Automotive Service & Collision Repair, Consumer Services.
Who are Maxence Hetu’s peers at other companies?
Maxence Hetu’s peers at other companies are Phil Cross, Ericenglehart Eric, Michael Kallergis, Richard Montpetit, Alexandre Cummings.
Who are Maxence Hetu’s colleagues?
Some of Maxence Hetu’s colleagues are Adriano Carlino, George Akirov, George Kaklamanos, Mena Sargious.
How can I contact Maxence Hetu?
Maxence Hetu contact details: Email address: m***@volkswagendessources.ca Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Maxence Hetu?

Maxence Hetu is a Sales Manager at Volkswagen Des Sources based in Dorval, Quebec. Previously, Maxence was a Gestionnaire De Concession at Automobile En Direct.com and also held positions at ALBI le Géant.... Read More

Where is Maxence Hetu based?
Maxence Hetu works for Volkswagen Des Sources, located at Canada
See more information about Maxence Hetu

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