Max Fairclough

Administrator at Teton Orthopaedics

Max Fairclough Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Max Fairclough Current Workplace


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Max Fairclough Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Max Fairclough

Max Fairclough is an Administrator at Teton Orthopaedics based in Jackson, Wyoming. Previously, Max was a Project Manager at St. John's Health and also held positions at UNC Health, Caldwell UNC Health Care, Mountain View Hospital, Intermountain Health Utah Valley Hospital.Explore more

Max Fairclough Current Workplace

Teton Orthopaedics

2024-present (1 year)

For over 30 years, Teton Orthopaedics has provided exceptional orthopaedic care to the residents of Wyoming and beyond. Only the most dedicated, accomplished professionals earn a place on our team. Our highly-trained physicians are Board Certified and Fellowship trained, each practicing in a specific field of orthopaedics. This means that your exact needs can be taken care of with the most precise level of expertise. No matter how common or obscure your problem, we have the capability to offer the best treatment. With 9 clinic locations across the state, we make it convenient for patients seeking premier healthcare close to home. Our mission at Teton Orthopaedics is to continue providing world-class orthopaedic care, compassion, and expertise to our local residents and visitors.

Max Fairclough Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Project Manager

St. John's Health


Project Manager, Operational

UNC Health


Associate Operational Project Manager

UNC Health


Project Manager

Caldwell UNC Health Care





Org Chart - Teton Orthopaedics






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Max Fairclough

What company does Max Fairclough work for?
Max Fairclough works for Teton Orthopaedics as Administrator
What is Max Fairclough’s role in Teton Orthopaedics?
Max Fairclough’s role in Teton Orthopaedics is Administrator
What is Max Fairclough’s email address?
Max Fairclough’s email address is f***@tetonhospital.org
What is Max Fairclough’s business email address?
Max Fairclough’s business email address is f***@tetonhospital.org
What is Max Fairclough’s direct phone number?
Max Fairclough’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Max Fairclough’s work phone number?
Max Fairclough’s headquarters phone number is (307) 733-3900
What is Max Fairclough’s latest job experience?
Max Fairclough’s latest job experience is Project Manager at St. John's Health
Which industry does Max Fairclough work in?
Max Fairclough works in the industry of Hospitals & Clinics, Healthcare.
Who are Max Fairclough’s peers at other companies?
Max Fairclough’s peers at other companies are Nora Urrea, Jaime Gaudet, Carla Garcia, Catherine Manshack, Amy Keveanos.
Who are Max Fairclough’s colleagues?
Some of Max Fairclough’s colleagues are Geoffrey Skene, Kirk Ripplinger, Erin Abel, Andrew Krause.
How can I contact Max Fairclough?
Max Fairclough contact details: Email address: f***@tetonhospital.org Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Max Fairclough?

Max Fairclough is an Administrator at Teton Orthopaedics based in Jackson, Wyoming. Previously, Max was a Project Manager at St. John's Health and also held positions at UNC Health, Caldwell UNC Health Care, Mountain View Hospital, Intermountain Health Utah Valley Hospital.... Read More

Where is Max Fairclough based?
Max Fairclough works for Teton Orthopaedics, located at United States
See more information about Max Fairclough

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