
Matthew Hession

Grounds and Athletic Field Specialist at Guerin Catholic High School

Matthew Hession Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Matthew Hession Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Matthew Hession Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Matthew Hession

Matthew Hession is a Grounds and Athletic Field Specialist at Guerin Catholic High School based in Noblesville, Indiana. Previously, Matthew was an Assistant Golf Course Superintendent at Highland Golf & Country Club and also held positions at Indianapolis Motor Speedway, Birkdale Golf Club.

Matthew Hession Current Workplace

Guerin Catholic High School

2020-present (5 years)

Guerin Catholic High School is committed to offering courses inspired and taught from a Catholic world view, based on the Christian concept of the human person, and in communion with the Magisterium of the Church. Guerin Catholic students will be exposed to a rigorous liberal arts curriculum that stretches them beyond what they believed possible to prepare them for college and life.

Matthew Hession Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Assistant Golf Course Superintendent

Highland Golf & Country Club


Assistant Golf Course Superintendent

Indianapolis Motor Speedway


Assistant Golf Course Superintendent

Birkdale Golf Club


Org Chart - Guerin Catholic High School

Matthew Hession

Grounds and Athletic Field Speciali...

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Matthew Hession

What company does Matthew Hession work for?
Matthew Hession works for Guerin Catholic High School as Grounds and Athletic Field Specialist
What is Matthew Hession’s role in Guerin Catholic High School?
Matthew Hession’s role in Guerin Catholic High School is Grounds and Athletic Field Specialist
What is Matthew Hession’s email address?
Matthew Hession’s email address is m***@guerincatholic.org
What is Matthew Hession’s business email address?
Matthew Hession’s business email address is m***@guerincatholic.org
What is Matthew Hession’s direct phone number?
Matthew Hession’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Matthew Hession’s work phone number?
Matthew Hession’s headquarters phone number is (317) 582-0120
What is Matthew Hession’s latest job experience?
Matthew Hession’s latest job experience is Assistant Golf Course Superintendent at Highland Golf & Country Club
Which industry does Matthew Hession work in?
Matthew Hession works in the industry of K-12 Schools, Education.
Who are Matthew Hession’s colleagues?
Some of Matthew Hession’s colleagues are Zach Haselhorst, Emily McAulay, Lee Ann Lankton, Dawn Guckien.
How can I contact Matthew Hession?
Matthew Hession contact details: Email address: m***@guerincatholic.org Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Matthew Hession?

Matthew Hession is a Grounds and Athletic Field Specialist at Guerin Catholic High School based in Noblesville, Indiana. Previously, Matthew was an Assistant Golf Course Superintendent at Highland Golf & Country Club and also held positions at Indianapolis Motor Speedway, Birkdale Golf Club....

Where is Matthew Hession based?
Matthew Hession works for Guerin Catholic High School, located at United States