2010-present (14 years)
Massimo Ghidinelli
HIV Regional Coordinator at Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)
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Recent News About Massimo Ghidinelli
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Dr Massimo Ghidinelli , an infectious-disease specialist at the Pan American Health Organisation in Washington DC, told Sky News: "I think we have kin...WHO urges Caribbean to reduce deaths from viral hepatitis
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Massimo Ghidinelli
Massimo Ghidinelli is a HIV Regional Coordinator at Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) based in Fairfax, Virginia. Previously, Massimo was a Member of the Strategy Committee at Sweet Taters and also held positions at Ibdcc, Dartwise, Areigh, Detroit Harmonie, World Health Organization, Sexually Transmitted Infections. Massimo received a MD d... Read More