
Masoud Nasri

Business Intelligence Specialist at PEDC (Pasargad Energy Development Company

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Masoud Nasri Work Experience Summary

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About Masoud Nasri

Masoud Nasri works as a Business Intelligence Specialist at PEDC (Pasargad Energy Development Company, which is an Energy, Utilities & Waste company with an estimated 124 employees. They are part of Engineering & Technical Department. Masoud is currently based in Iran. They used to work at PEDC (Pasargad Energy Development Company and Iran Kish Credit Card Co(Kiccc. Found email listings include: @pedc.ir, @pedc.ir,and @pedc.ir.Explore more

Masoud Nasri Current Workplace

The Pasargad Energy Development Company, PEDC, is owned by the Pasargad Financial Group, in which one of its distinctive shareholders is Pasargad Bank, the leading Iranian private bank with a continuous high growth rate. PEDC was formed and registered in April 2008 with the objective of participating in the national and international energy markets in general and the development of Iran's energy sector in particular. Our core businesses include hydrocarbon sector, power generation and renewable energy in which the fundamental of PEDC activities is approaching sustainable development with an emphasis on the environment. To accomplish this task, we focus on utilizing the best available human resources, up to date technology and efficient management in an optimum organizational structure.

Masoud Nasri Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Senior Sharepoint Consultant

PEDC (Pasargad Energy Development Company


Senior Sharepoint Consultant

Iran Kish Credit Card Co(Kiccc


Web Specialist

Mapna Group


Manager, Systems

Eniac Technology


Org Chart - PEDC (Pasargad Energy Development Company


Business Intelligence Specialist




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Masoud Nasri

What company does Masoud Nasri work for?
Masoud Nasri works for PEDC (Pasargad Energy Development Company as Business Intelligence Specialist
What is Masoud Nasri’s role in PEDC (Pasargad Energy Development Company?
Masoud Nasri’s role in PEDC (Pasargad Energy Development Company is Business Intelligence Specialist
What is Masoud Nasri’s email address?
Masoud Nasri’s email address is m***@pedc.ir
What is Masoud Nasri’s business email address?
Masoud Nasri’s business email address is m***@pedc.ir
What is Masoud Nasri’s direct phone number?
Masoud Nasri’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Masoud Nasri’s work phone number?
Masoud Nasri’s headquarters phone number is +98 2126401821
What is Masoud Nasri’s latest job experience?
Masoud Nasri’s latest job experience is Senior Sharepoint Consultant at PEDC (Pasargad Energy Development Company
Which industry does Masoud Nasri work in?
Masoud Nasri works in the industry of Electricity, Oil & Gas, Energy, Utilities & Waste Treatment.
Who are Masoud Nasri’s peers at other companies?
Masoud Nasri’s peers at other companies are Sunitha Mukkala, Monica Doss, Michael Margeson, Rafael Green, Woohyung Jang.
Who are Masoud Nasri’s colleagues?
Some of Masoud Nasri’s colleagues are Farhad Farzadfar, Malihe Ahmadi, Arash Dekamei, Babak Nikoofar.
How can I contact Masoud Nasri?
Masoud Nasri contact details: Email address: m***@pedc.ir Phone number: (***) ***-****
Where is Masoud Nasri based?
Masoud Nasri works for PEDC (Pasargad Energy Development Company, located at Iran
See more information about Masoud Nasri

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