
Masooma Gillani

Interior Designer at Landmark Homes

Masooma Gillani Email & Phone number

Engage via Phone

(780) ***-****

Masooma Gillani Current Workplace


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Masooma Gillani Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Masooma Gillani

Masooma Gillani is an Interior Designer at Landmark Homes based in Edmonton, Alberta. Previously, Masooma was an Interior Design Associate at Chintz and also held positions at Copperlane Homes. Masooma received a Master of English Literature degree from Kinnaird College Lahore and a Certification from University of Alberta.Explore more

Masooma Gillani Current Workplace

Landmark Homes

2016-present (9 years)

The Landmark Group of Companies Inc. is one of Alberta's largest residential builders, with operations in Edmonton, Calgary, and Red Deer. At Landmark Group of Companies Inc., we are a passionate and dynamic group of professionals who continually strive to improve the quality of the houses we build while ensuring the best value for the customer and the community. We pursue this goal through research and development of innovative products and processes, integration of state of the art information technology, ongoing education for our entire staff, and a culture of continuous improvement. Corporate Vision: To be a major North American housing solutions provider recognized for sustainability and for leading a revolution in the industrialization of housing construction. Why Choose the Landmark Group of Companies: Competitive salary / wage. Group benefits. Work / life balance. A challenging and progressive work environment. Outstanding staff events. Opportunity for career growth through traSee more

Masooma Gillani Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Interior Design Associate



Interior Designer

AIMZ Design


Interior Design Consultant

Copperlane Homes




Master of English Literature

Kinnaird College Lahore


University of Alberta

Org Chart - Landmark Homes


Interior Designer




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Masooma Gillani

What company does Masooma Gillani work for?
Masooma Gillani works for Landmark Homes as Interior Designer
What is Masooma Gillani’s role in Landmark Homes?
Masooma Gillani’s role in Landmark Homes is Interior Designer
What is Masooma Gillani’s email address?
Masooma Gillani’s email address is m***@ingeva.ca
What is Masooma Gillani’s business email address?
Masooma Gillani’s business email address is m***@ingeva.ca
What is Masooma Gillani’s direct phone number?
Masooma Gillani’s direct phone number is (780) ***-****
What is Masooma Gillani’s work phone number?
Masooma Gillani’s headquarters phone number is (780) 436-5959
What is Masooma Gillani’s latest job experience?
Masooma Gillani’s latest job experience is Interior Design Associate at Chintz
What is Masooma Gillani’s latest education?
Masooma Gillani’s latest education in Master of English Literature at Kinnaird College Lahore
Which industry does Masooma Gillani work in?
Masooma Gillani works in the industry of Real Estate.
Who are Masooma Gillani’s peers at other companies?
Masooma Gillani’s peers at other companies are Graciela Christofania, Sneha Mohan, Anne Clifton, Heather Genau, Sandy Van Dorn.
Who are Masooma Gillani’s colleagues?
Some of Masooma Gillani’s colleagues are Lori Cantera, Lynn Ly, Sanjay Patel, Karen Pabst.
How can I contact Masooma Gillani?
Masooma Gillani contact details: Email address: m***@ingeva.ca Phone number: (780) ***-****
Who is Masooma Gillani?

Masooma Gillani is an Interior Designer at Landmark Homes based in Edmonton, Alberta. Previously, Masooma was an Interior Design Associate at Chintz and also held positions at Copperlane Homes. Masooma received a Master of English Literature degree from Kinnaird College Lahore and a Certification from University of Alberta.... Read More

Where is Masooma Gillani based?
Masooma Gillani works for Landmark Homes, located at Canada
See more information about Masooma Gillani

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