Maryam Maryamshams

Chief Executive Officer at Tectonic Group International

Maryam Maryamshams Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

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About Maryam Maryamshams

Maryam Maryamshams is a Chief Executive Officer at Tectonic Group International based in Pembroke Pines, Florida.Explore more

Maryam Maryamshams Current Workplace

Tectonic Group International

2022-present (3 years)

"With a vision for proven performance, the company provides high-value engineering, construction, and management solutions through an integrated business portfolio and holds leading positions in the top markets of our industry." We provide value to our clients not only in technical expertise but also in the area of finance and development. We can provide fresh approaches to business, as well as delivery systems, that can significantly reduce costs and shorten project implementation schedules for major clients around the globe. With a vision for proven performance, the company provides high-value engineering, construction, and management solutions through an integrated business portfolio and holds leading positions in the top markets of our industry. This breadth and depth creates a market mix that balances the cyclical nature of individual market segments to promote steady growth, maintain our skilled workforce, and preserve a service offering that spans the entire range of our clientsSee more

Org Chart - Tectonic Group International

Chief Executive Officer





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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Maryam Maryamshams

What company does Maryam Maryamshams work for?
Maryam Maryamshams works for Tectonic Group International as Chief Executive Officer
What is Maryam Maryamshams’s role in Tectonic Group International?
Maryam Maryamshams’s role in Tectonic Group International is Chief Executive Officer
What is Maryam Maryamshams’s email address?
Maryam Maryamshams’s email address is m***@tecgi.com
What is Maryam Maryamshams’s business email address?
Maryam Maryamshams’s business email address is m***@tecgi.com
What is Maryam Maryamshams’s direct phone number?
Maryam Maryamshams’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Maryam Maryamshams’s work phone number?
Maryam Maryamshams’s headquarters phone number is (954) 290-2056
Which industry does Maryam Maryamshams work in?
Maryam Maryamshams works in the industry of Architecture, Engineering & Design, Construction.
Who are Maryam Maryamshams’s peers at other companies?
Maryam Maryamshams’s peers at other companies are Pravin Gurav, Jason Wong, Patrick Samura, Samy Abdelhalim, Ted Aadland.
Who are Maryam Maryamshams’s colleagues?
Some of Maryam Maryamshams’s colleagues are Alexey Vista, Rahim Shams.
How can I contact Maryam Maryamshams?
Maryam Maryamshams contact details: Email address: m***@tecgi.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Maryam Maryamshams?

Maryam Maryamshams is a Chief Executive Officer at Tectonic Group International based in Pembroke Pines, Florida.... Read More

Where is Maryam Maryamshams based?
Maryam Maryamshams works for Tectonic Group International, located at United States
Who is Tectonic Group International’s Chief Executive Officer?
Tectonic Group International's Chief Executive Officer is Maryam Maryamshams
See more information about Maryam Maryamshams

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