
Mary Strychalski

Office Manager at SGN+A

Mary Strychalski Email & Phone number

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(404) ***-****

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About Mary Strychalski

Mary Strychalski is an Office Manager at SGN+A based in Decatur, Georgia.Explore more

Mary Strychalski Current Workplace


2019-present (6 years)

Formed in 1992 and based in Atlanta, Georgia, SGN+A, Inc. is a professional corporation providing comprehensive design services in architecture, planning and landscape architecture for clients throughout the United States. While the firm undertakes commissions in many design areas, including resort, recreational, commercial and institutional projects, SGN+A specializes in the planning and design of large scale, high density, multifamily residential projects. Planning and landscape architecture are recognized by SGN+A as critically important to comprehensive, total design. Our team of architects, planners and landscape architects work together to develop solutions which combine the requirements of your building program with an understanding of the site and planning constraints. This integration of design disciplines results in projects that are distinctive as well as functional. SGN+A provides a complete range of services, including design, construction documents and construction observSee more

Org Chart - SGN+A


Office Manager




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Mary Strychalski

What company does Mary Strychalski work for?
Mary Strychalski works for SGN+A as Office Manager
What is Mary Strychalski’s role in SGN+A?
Mary Strychalski’s role in SGN+A is Office Manager
What is Mary Strychalski’s email address?
Mary Strychalski’s email address is m***@sgnplusa.com
What is Mary Strychalski’s business email address?
Mary Strychalski’s business email address is m***@sgnplusa.com
What is Mary Strychalski’s direct phone number?
Mary Strychalski’s direct phone number is (404) ***-****
What is Mary Strychalski’s work phone number?
Mary Strychalski’s headquarters phone number is (404) 373-7370
Which industry does Mary Strychalski work in?
Mary Strychalski works in the industry of Architecture, Engineering & Design, Construction.
Who are Mary Strychalski’s peers at other companies?
Mary Strychalski’s peers at other companies are Hailey Pines, Kavita Jaishankar, Betty Atwood, Jeannie Brozik, Carrie Clausen.
Who are Mary Strychalski’s colleagues?
Some of Mary Strychalski’s colleagues are James Moran, Khalid Madina, Craig Headrick, Gina Hofmeister.
How can I contact Mary Strychalski?
Mary Strychalski contact details: Email address: m***@sgnplusa.com Phone number: (404) ***-****
Who is Mary Strychalski?

Mary Strychalski is an Office Manager at SGN+A based in Decatur, Georgia.... Read More

Where is Mary Strychalski based?
Mary Strychalski works for SGN+A, located at United States
See more information about Mary Strychalski

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