
Mary Meisch

Nurse Case Manager at Healthdirect

Mary Meisch Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Mary Meisch Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees


About Mary Meisch

Mary Meisch is a Nurse Case Manager at Healthdirect based in Haymarket, New South Wales.

Mary Meisch Current Workplace


2024-present (11 months)

Healthdirect Australia, otherwise known as just Healthdirect and formerly the National Health Call Centre Network, is the national health advice service in Australia. The Healthdirect website provides general health advice, a symptom checker which compares symptoms against clinical presentations, and a health directory which lists many primary, secondary and tertiary care services.

Org Chart - Healthdirect

Mary Meisch

Nurse Case Manager

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Mary Meisch

What company does Mary Meisch work for?
Mary Meisch works for Healthdirect as Nurse Case Manager
What is Mary Meisch’s role in Healthdirect?
Mary Meisch’s role in Healthdirect is Nurse Case Manager
What is Mary Meisch’s email address?
Mary Meisch’s email address is m***@healthdirect.gov.au
What is Mary Meisch’s business email address?
Mary Meisch’s business email address is m***@healthdirect.gov.au
What is Mary Meisch’s direct phone number?
Mary Meisch’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Mary Meisch’s work phone number?
Mary Meisch’s headquarters phone number is +61 292639000
Which industry does Mary Meisch work in?
Mary Meisch works in the industry of Government.
Who are Mary Meisch’s peers at other companies?
Mary Meisch’s peers at other companies are Nikki Sanders, Vicki Stewart, Saundra Jackson, Diane Mathews, Beth Timmerman.
Who are Mary Meisch’s colleagues?
Some of Mary Meisch’s colleagues are Jane Stirling, Kathleen Thomas, Debbie Sawinski, Todd Miller.
How can I contact Mary Meisch?
Mary Meisch contact details: Email address: m***@healthdirect.gov.au Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Mary Meisch?

Mary Meisch is a Nurse Case Manager at Healthdirect based in Haymarket, New South Wales....

Where is Mary Meisch based?
Mary Meisch works for Healthdirect, located at Australia