2023-present (1 year)
Mary Loqa Email & Phone number
Mary Loqa Current Workplace
176 El Sadat St Kafr El Gabal El Haram, Giza, Giza,Egypt
Phone Number
+20 237764200
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About Mary Loqa
Mary Loqa is a Medical Representative at Eva Pharma based in Giza, Giza.Explore more
Mary Loqa Current Workplace
Eva Pharma
EVA Pharma is one of the major global healthcare organizations headquartering in Cairo, Egypt, while operating in more than 40 countries, and is one of the fastest-growing healthcare organizations in the Middle East and Africa (MEA). The company has partnerships with some of the leading international healthcare names around the world. With a 4,000-strong team of some of the region's most competent professionals, EVA Pharma produces an average of half a million healthcare products daily. Its state-of-the-art facilities are equipped with cutting-edge technology and are internationally recognized for innovation and the highest international quality standards.
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Mary Loqa is a Medical Representative at Eva Pharma based in Giza, Giza.... Read More