Mary Brown

Executive Director at South Carolina Foster Parent Association

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(803) ***-****

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About Mary Brown

Mary Brown is an Executive Director at South Carolina Foster Parent Association based in Anderson, South Carolina.Explore more

Mary Brown Current Workplace

The South Carolina Foster Parent Association (SCFPA) was founded by Carl Brown in 1975. Carl and his wife, Mary, began fostering children in 1974. Heavily involved in the National Foster Parent Association, they quickly realized the need for a state association. In the 40 years since it was formed, the SCFPA has served as infrastructure and support for SC foster parents. Presently, there 41 county or county-cluster organizations serving all 46 SC counties; each with its own elected officials and DSS liaison. County/County-Cluster Presidents convene quarterly to ensure effective communication statewide with regard to training, legislation affecting the foster care system and other pertinent issues. The SCFPA has established a number of programs designed to assist foster parents in providing for the needs of the children in their care; programs that benefit the children from an academic standpoint as well as socially, psychologically, and emotionally.

Org Chart - South Carolina Foster Parent Association


Executive Director




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Mary Brown

What company does Mary Brown work for?
Mary Brown works for South Carolina Foster Parent Association as Executive Director
What is Mary Brown’s role in South Carolina Foster Parent Association?
Mary Brown’s role in South Carolina Foster Parent Association is Executive Director
What is Mary Brown’s email address?
Mary Brown’s email address is m***@scfpa.com
What is Mary Brown’s business email address?
Mary Brown’s business email address is m***@scfpa.com
What is Mary Brown’s direct phone number?
Mary Brown’s direct phone number is (803) ***-****
What is Mary Brown’s work phone number?
Mary Brown’s headquarters phone number is (864) 261-6946
Which industry does Mary Brown work in?
Mary Brown works in the industry of Membership Organizations, Organizations.
Who are Mary Brown’s peers at other companies?
Mary Brown’s peers at other companies are Tom Bowman, Rahmena Wilson, Leslie Pomerantz, Agnes Thomas, Marianne Christie.
Who are Mary Brown’s colleagues?
Some of Mary Brown’s colleagues are Carolyn Evans, Sylvia Anderson, Cammy Clary, Karla Littleton.
How can I contact Mary Brown?
Mary Brown contact details: Email address: m***@scfpa.com Phone number: (803) ***-****
Who is Mary Brown?

Mary Brown is an Executive Director at South Carolina Foster Parent Association based in Anderson, South Carolina.... Read More

Where is Mary Brown based?
Mary Brown works for South Carolina Foster Parent Association, located at United States
See more information about Mary Brown

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