2019-present (5 years)
Mary Baker Email & Phone number
Mary Baker Current Workplace
12345 S El Monte Rd, Los Altos, California, 94022, United States
(650) 723-1762
Number of Employees
Mary Baker Work Experience Summary
Number of companies worked for
1Average duration at a company (years)
5Last Update 1/10/2025 9:48 AM
About Mary Baker
Mary Baker works at Albion College, which is a Colleges & Universities company with an estimated 19 employees. Mary graduated from their alma mater, THE Ohio State University Law School and is currently based in United States. Found email listings include: @albion.edu.Explore more
Mary Baker Current Workplace
Albion College
Glunis Casa is a global directory of universities and businesses. It aims to help users find local universities and businesses worldwide. Whether individuals are seeking information on universities in Caracas or looking to promote their own university, Glunis Casa offers a platform for these needs. The website serves as a valuable resource for individuals looking to explore educational opportunities and establishments globally.
Mary Baker Work Experience & Education
Number of companies worked for
1Average duration at a company (years)
THE Ohio State University Law School
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Scholarship Applications Now Open and Congratulations to Previous Scholarship Winners
Mary Baker , Albion College ~ $1,000Albion College Equestrian, 11039 29 Mile Rd, Albion, MI (2020)
Albion senior Mary Baker earned her second regional title and would have represented the Britons at IDA Nationals this weekend. We're sad for her and ...Albion College Political Science, 611 E Porter St, Albion, MI (2020)
Congratulations to political science graduate, Mary Baker! Mary was recently awarded the Gerald R. Ford Leadership Award and will attend THE Ohio St...Albion College Political Science, 611 E Porter St, Albion, MI (2020)
Mary Baker , '20, Connects as Ohio Department of Agriculture Intern - Albion College So proud of the great work that political science student Mary ...
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